Do you want grenades back on all characters.

(iwound) #1

There are a few possibilities with these.
one being that nades come back as standard issue plus your ability.
or all classes get a character that use nades as an ability but as i see it there
isnt much point to that unless you like nades with a particular gun.
if you can think of other variations of adding nades to more characters please add.

my opinion is add them back to all as standard issue and remove a lot of the other spam
like nader. naders grenade launcher isnt much fun due to its uselessness. it so underpowered and
you end up just robot like launch them in a general direction.
this could be fixed by reducing her mag and rof to a low number and increasing their power.
also remove a lot of other spam in game ie bullets.

grenades are intrinsic in this type of game and to have them reduced to 1 character reduces the fun.
some like myself are not great at gunplay nor want to be. for some its all about the tools and gadgets. a gun being my backup.

anyway im sure everyone has a good reason nades should come back. so go for it.

Poll Details

All classes standard issue + extra ability. ~ so proxy would have gun+nade+mine

Characters that use a grenade as thier ability. ~ As it is now soldier has gun+nade but no extra ability, with maybe buyable characters in the future that do the same.

(INF3RN0) #2

Your not giving the choice of just keeping it on a single class so… can’t vote.

(Seanza) #3

I wouldn’t go for any of these options in the poll.

I don’t think everybody should have nades. Have I ever been in a situation where I’ve felt “damn, a grenade would’ve been sooo awesome right now and that would’ve turned out differently”? Hell yeah I have.

I feel that the medics should be given a grenade as a tool to clear out areas when they’re going in to revive fallen teammates, their primary weapons aren’t enough. Everybody else can do without them.

(iwound) #4

that comes under ~ Characters that use a grenade as their ability.
because if you only use it on certain characters or classes then its restricted to no ability. you see?
thats why i put poll details at the bottom to explain it.

(iwound) #5

I don’t think everybody should have nades.[/QUOTE]
then you sir are option 2 with a caveat.

(INF3RN0) #6

[QUOTE=iwound;469761]that comes under ~ Characters that use a grenade as their ability.
because if you only use it on certain characters or classes then its restricted to no ability. you see?
thats why i put poll details at the bottom to explain it.[/QUOTE]

So why say it’s all for money reasons? That’s the ridiculous thing. If nades exist on characters it won’t be for $ reasons. I personally want to vote for nades being the soldier specific ability, just as med packs/paddles are the medic’s thing. Some people just want a nade on every character, and when they don’t get what they want then suddenly it’s all a big scam to make money. It’s a very silly claim.

(Humate) #7

Dedicated to single character is my vote.
To clarify, 1 of the 20 characters :wink:

(chippy) #8

If nades were to make a comeback I’d like to try with everyone having nades but only the soldier can regenerate one.

(Seanza) #9

I don’t think so because that talks about people having nades as their ability. Medics have other abilities such as medpacks, healing aura and health station. I don’t want a grenade to be an ability but to be an additional weapon.

(Protekt1) #10

Removing grenades from all but one character was one of the smartest things they’ve done over the course of this beta. Now it is much more about gunplay and not just instakill grenades that can be pre-cooked and tossed for a guaranteed kill. They’ve done well with doing away with them and limiting them to one soldier character.

And the grenade launcher is actually quite unique and pretty well balanced from what I’ve seen it is capable of. If you’re great at positioning and know how to aim the thing well, it is a pretty useful tool. If they have a slow firing harder hitting grenade launcher, I am just guessing it won’t fit well. They’ll probably do it for a different character though, and fit it in well and end up surprising me.

(Erkin31) #11

I prefer the old version: Grenades for all mercs with no regen.

(.FROST.) #12

Yesterday when I played the blockout rotation I had a situation, where my team and I just couldn’t advance*, because the path was entirely blocked by the enemy. That’s when I thought it would be so awesome to be able to chuck a couple grenades in their general direction, in order to clear the way. But since I was using Arty, that wasn’t really an option and my airstrikes didn’t help either, since most of the OPFOR hunkered themselfs down inside the buildings. After I’ve disconnected myself from the session in a mix of “rage” and genuine annoyance I realized, that I just could’ve picked my soldier gal.

Yeah, I know, pathetic; but usually, changing my class doesn’t even occur to me, cause I’m so focused on keeping my gun, -the only one I can remotely use to my satisfaction-. Take that gun from me and I’d feel like a streaker in a mexican-standoff.

To cut the long story short;

#1 I’m not, and I won’t be the only guy who wants to keep the only weapon he’s used to

#2 It’s much more interesting from a gameplay POV, to have to rely on teamwork, and on the right mix of a variety of classes in your team

But those two things kinda contradict themself(at least on public servers), and that’s the problem; getting used to the fact, that you are not a one man army anymore(like in other FPS games), and that win and failure doesn’t only depend on the player’s aiming- and strafing-(with that I mean left and right movement+tracking) skills, but also on a strategic pick of classes beforehand, and ofc, teamwork. But to “teach” complete newcomers, wich prolly never played many class based shooters before, the importance of the team’s right pick of classes is not an easy task. Even I didn’t really got that by now(see above). And you want to be sure, they got that, before they leave the game entirely, due to frustrating matches, where nobody cares about teamwork, the right mix of classes, or the objectives.

Has anybody played NS2 lately? They’ve put in short little tutorial vids in the limbo menu; to teach newbs such stuff. I think XT could profit immensely from such short and straight to the point tutorial vids; either also in limbo, or as a point in the game’s menu. After all I think players should’ve to adapt to a game and not necessarilly the other way around. But people will need some kind of help to do so. It could be vids, virtual commanders, or bonus for picking the right class, or maybe all three.

*It was this CTF kinda map, I forgot the name, since I only played it a few times.

(fubar) #13

I’d love for every class to have a minimum of 1 grenade upon spawn, however… With the current ammo replenishment system (ammunition box and sentries and whatnot), for them to not be rechargeable, otherwise you’ll see the same kind of stupidity as you do in BF3 and the likes. Grenades, of all kinds, are integral to the game, competitive play even more so than casual. I can see people disliking them or wanting to focus more on gunfire, but if we’re honest for a second… Those are the same type of people that’ll whine and yell at any chance they get for being killed in any kind of fashion. They add another layer to the skill-gap/learning curve and present another useful thing to master, don’t like them? Don’t use them, at the very least however you’ll have to have learned how, when and where to avoid certain nades. On the other hand, you’ve got a weak aim and find it rather hard to win duels? Make spam your game, there are hundreds of very successful players in the top scenes of all kinds of games that do exactly that and will often get way, way more credit for being a smarter and better player than your aimer types. Grenades and spam open up for such a bigger variety in gameplay, for both teams. They can be game deciding and give people with lesser aiming abilities a chance to yet still, become top of the game merely by smart play and strategic spam/timed spam (Quake, ET, RtCW, CS, you see it in just about every competitive AND popular game of the past 10 years) to be a major part of the game. Nades have so much more to offer than just a quick way to get a kill, or maybe even two. A well timed/placed nade can effectively shut down a push, get you a spawn kill required to move onto a certain objective, or even just as a prevention measure or a gib… Whatever you do, please don’t take away the spam, it’ll ruin this game’s chance of ever being taken serious. Limitations set per config on public/casual servers are all fine and dandy, but at the very least give the players the option to decide on server settings such as spam abilities/amount/duration/quantity/whatever rather than taking it out of the game entirely.

(Violator) #14

Voted nades for all chars (we do need a third option - add nades to chars that don’t already have them + special ability) - gunplay is fine but grenades add a bit of extra fun to the game. Phantom for instance can only snipe and thats it. Give all the chars at least one non-bullet-based weapon. We have several nades already though e.g.

Fraggers’ frag nade
Conker’s stun nade
BBQ’s molotov
Proxy’s mine (kind of a nade ;))

Giving each char a signature nade would be good.

(Seanza) #15

Map 6.

(Protekt1) #16

^doesn’t your sig technically break the NDA :stuck_out_tongue:

(twincannon) #17

like it how it is now, frag grenades feel like a “big deal” and can make huge plays. if every character has one then they need to be nerfed and that’s no fun.

That said Conkers nade needs to be better, and be able to prime it, and Nader needs a grenade. Give every assault a really good grenade, give engineers and recons the weird/situational explosives (proxy mine, third eye cam) and give fire support the long cooldown huge nukes. Seems solid to me

(k0k0nat) #18

Why not a buff from engiclass or else, that gives some % protection against explosives?

For me, every single class needs nades.
Soldier should carry 2 nades, rest 1.

(DarkangelUK) #19

All chars have standard frag grenade, specialty nade class also have additional special grenades.

(Raviolay) #20

[QUOTE=Seanza;469759]I wouldn’t go for any of these options in the poll.

I don’t think everybody should have nades. Have I ever been in a situation where I’ve felt “damn, a grenade would’ve been sooo awesome right now and that would’ve turned out differently”? Hell yeah I have.

I feel that the medics should be given a grenade as a tool to clear out areas when they’re going in to revive fallen teammates, their primary weapons aren’t enough. Everybody else can do without them.[/QUOTE]

Na I am on the other side of the fence, I think a smoke would be a better fit for a medic, and downed teammates have a outline on them so you can see them through the smoke.