Stuck inside train

(Ashog) #1

Was running over tracks on last obj of Wharf, when the train with carriables hit me from behind - it didn’t keel me but i got captured inside of it and couldn’t get out :slight_smile:

[0993.81] Log: Log file open, 06/26/13 22:49:14
[0993.81] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.06.26-22.49.14 using build 8710 built from changelist 21216
[0993.81] Log: MapName: OBJ_CanaryWharf
[0993.81] Log: Description: 
[0993.81] Log: BugItGo 1114.6541 6697.7412 -1941.7356 -1936 -29225 0
[0993.81] Log: ?BugLoc=1114.65,6697.74,-1941.74?BugRot=-1936,-29225,0
[0993.81] Log:  ---=== GameSpecificData ===--- 
[0993.81] Log: Log file closed, 06/26/13 22:49:14

(Mustang) #2

On a related note the trains that keep whizing by can be ducked under, but the delivery train for the final objective can’t.

I was successfully decapitated!