MG-shooting makes the wood fly in your face

(Ashog) #1

Searched the forum but couldn’t find this reported.

If one mounts the MG inside of the chapel and shoots at the wooden parts of the balconies on the 2nd floor (upwards front or upwards left), the wood splinters will start flying in your face across the whole chapel which is very unrealistic and obscures the vision, not allowing to aim properly:

(Mustang) #2

I was briefly mentioned by one person, I forget who, but no thread was created until now.

(Ashog) #3

Ok then. Oh there’s also this smoke. Not sure if it’s a normal smoke from MG or it is just dust from wood. It is even worse than splinters :slight_smile:

(Rex) #4

Experienced this also today and apart from the completely blocked view it seems like there is an invisible wall up on the balcony. Or let’s say, it wasn’t possible to shoot through the gaps of the railing there.

(Nail) #5

on the balcony opposite the MG ?
cause I was up there and you can shoot down through them

(Ashog) #6

Jop, also noticed this but wasn’t sure, thought i missed players because of blocked view. Now I think there is an invisible wall too, come to think of it.