Can mount a turret up on the rock at the last part, and it kinda floats there.

(SinDonor) #1

I’m not sure if you want us to get up on that rock during the last section of Whitechapel, but it wasn’t too tough to do with jumping from the van.

Once up there, I can plant a turret and it kind of floats off the rock. Not a huge deal, it just looks kind of silly.

[1178.92] Log: Log file open, 05/22/13 20:46:55[1178.92] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.05.22-20.46.55 using build 8710 built from changelist 19135
[1178.92] Log: MapName: OBJ_Whitechapel
[1178.92] Log: Description: 
[1178.92] Log: BugItGo 8686.8066 22366.7891 1588.1504 1978 22620 0
[1178.92] Log: ?BugLoc=8686.81,22366.79,1588.15?BugRot=1978,22620,0
[1178.92] Log:  ---=== GameSpecificData ===--- 
[1178.92] Log: Log file closed, 05/22/13 20:46:55