Anyone else feel like mouse movement is odd?

(ImageOmega) #1

I am not one hundred percent sure what it is, but I almost feel as if mouse movement (ie: sweeping or tracking with the crosshair) is odd, especially with smaller movements. This is quite a hindrance when tracking a strafing player or someone who is quickly moving from out from cover.

For reference I have a DeathAdder 2013 and a Razer Goliathus mousepad (huge XL one). I don’t use any mouse accel and my mouse is set to 400dpi with a sensitivity of 10 in game.

This feeling I get does not exist in other FPS games I’m currently playing such as Quake or Battlefield. Nor did I notice it in Call of Duty or even another Unreal engine game, Smite. Although, in Smite, that precision is not as necessary so I’m not trying to track players.

I guess the best way I can describe what I am feeling is that with smaller movements I feel as if the crosshair is moving to fast and I’m overshooting my targets. In other games this would tell me that I need to lower my sensitivity, but I feel like my sensitivity is already lower than I would normally play with as my 360 is right about 17" across the mouse pad right now.

I actually also thought it may be the mousepad and it’s the quick, small movements that are just gliding across the pad, but then I realized I don’t get that same feeling in other games.

I’ll do some more investigating, but I know other people have expressed concerns and I’m wondering if anyone else can pinpoint their experience. As a side note I have this feeling with onethread off and on and I normally have over 120fps.

(Kl3ppy) #2

Have the same feeling. This is the reason why I dont play DB anymore.

(Samurai.) #3

yeah i understand what you mean as well and its really hard to describe. After time i just get used to it but if i come from CS:GO straight to DB the pixel precision just feels different. Im using exactly the same sensitivity in both games, but in CS:GO the mouse feels heavier/slower in general but i feel like i can place my crosshair on any pixel while aiming compared to a “gliding” feel in DB that kinda lacks precision. Both measure out at exactly the same sensitivity, and as far as i can tell there’s no acceleration difference (all accel is turned off on my side afaik). It could be purely in my head or could be entirely on the FPS difference between these games (lower in DB) but i do share your same concern over this, and im intrigued to see any explanations/solutions to this.

(woll3) #4

I hopped on the Server to look closer for it, it seems like the input sometimes stops for a split second and then processes the signals the game got in the meantime which would make me overshooting since i didnt percieve a change on the screen during the time i moved the mouse.

(potty200) #5

I also feel it wierd sometimes. Not sure how or why though but it’s sometimes feeling a little un-smooth to me.

Will have a look on the server later to see if I can put my finger on it.

(acQu) #6

Could it be that the mouse-movement is dependent on frames per second? If you have higher FPS the mouse moves faster, if you lower your FPS the mouse moves slower?

I have a really low FPS so i can’t say anything about this assumption. I can hardly aim because of this and of course it feels odd to me (mainly due to my bad system performance), but it sounds like if the FPS are fluctuating you get an unprecise aiming experience.

No clue on the technical background though, but i once had a similar problem when i made a camera system in a W:ET mod. The mouse movement was entirely dependent on FPS at first. Maybe this is a problem already known to SD and they are working on fixing it.

(zeroooo) #7

its not just the mouse feeling which is odd xD

(INF3RN0) #8

Ermmm seems fine to me on this end idk. 800dpi - in game sens 20 - 90fov. Accel off forever ofc! I might just not be noticing it since I always play at different mouse settings.

(woll3) #9

And just to mention it, theres a small bit of neg. Acceleration, despite Raw input being on.

(OwNLY) #10

Yes, definitely some negative acceleration, and the tracking seems odd.

(Kl3ppy) #11

Is the neg accel typical for the ut engine or is it a prob which can be fixed by coding?

(INF3RN0) #12

Are you guys remembering to turn off post process in the game options? I noticed that caused some problems for me at first, but then it all felt smooth enough (even at 60fps) after I switcher er off.

(Kl3ppy) #13

Yes, turned it off via cfg and ingame, no difference for me :frowning:

(Protekt1) #14

My thing with mouse control is kinda like… looks kinda like input lag, even when my framerate isn’t stuttering. The thing is that I don’t get the same issue with other games… I thought it was just me.

(BMXer) #15

I can confirm the slight weirdness as well. It’s VERY hard to describe. I always get the feeling I am having a bad aim day when I play DB.

(ImageOmega) #16

I just think the mouse movement is a bit too fast when doing smaller motions. acQu may be right when he says that mouse movement is directly relative to the frames we are getting. For instance, more frames = faster mouse movement or vice versa.

(Humate) #17

Add me to the list of ‘it feels a bit weird.’

The tracking feels “light” and not very precise.
Dont really understand the tech side of it, so I’ll leave that up for others to discuss.

(Seanza) #18

I know what you mean, but I’m learning to deal with it. Of course it shouldn’t be like that, though.

Best way I can describe is input lag and that the crosshair is going where I want it to go with a delay of 0.1 seconds or something.

(scre4m.) #19

feels a little strange for me as well.

Not sure if it is fps-related or always as the game never feels smooth enough atm. performance patch this month will hopefully make clear if its fps related or a general problem.

(RasteRayzeR) #20

I got used to it, but for sure it’s not perfect. I really hope the input/lag will be reduced to a minimum, I come from quake and CPMA, and raw mouse input is the best !