DIRTY BOMB UPDATE: Version 19039

(Smooth) #1

Hi all,

We’ve just released an update with the following changes.


London Bridge

[li]Updated the GH Institute (carryable objective) building[/li][/ul]

[li]Updated lighting pass[/li][li]Improved final objective door explosion[/li][/ul]
Waterloo Terminus

[li]Updated tunnel radioative-gas VFX[/li][/ul]

[li]Continued art-integration pass[/li][li]Updated the terrain[/li][li]Added alternate gate route to 2nd objective[/li][/ul]
Canary Wharf

[li]Continued gameplay iteration and tweaks[/li][/ul]
All Levels

[li]Added several new ambient VFX[/li][li]Removed ammo stations throughout the levels[/li][/ul]
User Interface

[li]A new options menu has been created called ‘Game’[/li][li]View Bobbing and Sprint Fov can now be Enabled/Disabled in the Game Menu[/li][li]Game Post-Process and Menu Post-Process can be Enabled/Disabled in the Game Menu[/li][li]Kills, Assists and Deaths are now displayed on the End-Game review screen (not scoreboard!)[/li][li]Improved performance of the UI in some areas[/li][/ul]
Customizable Crosshairs

[li]Can toggle on/off basic components[/li][li]Colours can be tweaked by changing RGB values in the menu[/li][li]More to come… [/li][/ul]
One Frame Interval

[li]Added One Frame Interval setting to video options menu[/li][li]Enabling this (default) increases performance[/li][li]Disabling this reduces input delay[/li][/ul]

[li]Rotated in Turret Engineer “T-rat”[/li][li]Rotated in Airstrike Fire Support “Skyhammer”[/li][li]Character selection should now be saved on disconnect[/li][li]Fixed an issue with the Spectator camera not following players when they respawn[/li][li]Reduced intensity of team-lights[/li][li]Increased visibility of Ammo and Health packs[/li][li]Incapacitated players take heavily reduced damage while ragdolling[/li][li]Players will now be automatically spotted when viewed through a Sniper scope[/li][li]Tweaked grenade throw distance and bounciness[/li][li]Added placeholder warning audio to grenade fuses[/li][/ul]

[li]Back-pedal speed is now the same as forwards speed[/li][li]Player acceleration is now uniform across all movement states[/li][li]Explosive damage now respects Friendly Fire settings on the server[/li][li]Reduced raise/lower times for iron-sights[/li][li]Increased weapon spread when jumping[/li][li]Increased carryable melee damage and range[/li][/ul]

Update: Due to a bug with passwords, we’ve removed them from all servers until we can hotfix :slight_smile:

(Dthy) #2

Holy sausages crosshairs! Can’t wait to test this when I get home!

(rand0m) #3

Customizable Crosshairs

[li]Can toggle on/off basic components[/li][li]Colours can be tweaked by changing RGB values in the menu[/li][li]More to come… [/li]


(rand0m) #4

I’m glad you put oneframeinterval in the menu…it’s a huge difference for smooth mouse, basically what it was. I edited my cfg last night with this and the game felt much more like an id software engine in terms of mouse input rather then an unreal engine, thank you for giving this across the board!

(spookify) #5

Very Cool Changes Cant wait to try them

(QgD_) #6

Good news ! :smiley:
Wanna try it now :stuck_out_tongue:

(Samurai.) #7

Some very interesting changes to test out like no ammo stations anymore etc. Thanks.

p.s. uni connection = :penguin: 1minute 50s download :penguin: ( no more 8 hour downloads from home yaaaaay!).

(Siru) #8

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ***ing nice update… downloading now.
no ammo stations and Customizable Crosshairs yeahaaaa :smiley:

(Protekt1) #9

I hope the range of customization for crosshairs is huge. If its huge, you should make it “huger”.

Just wondering, when are some optimization patches coming out? I feel like the game should run smoother on my gtx 560.

Also, for the ragdoll/gib thing, how much damage reduction are we talking?

(JTheJackal) #10

Very interesting update.

Also yay crosshairs. :slight_smile:

(rand0m) #11

Cannot install updated error occurs

Edit: Ran as administrator now its making me download 3.28gb file?..

(Mustang) #12

Downloading, see you in several hours…

(Protekt1) #13

I was hoping for a TTK reduction in this patch. Hopefully next?

And whats up with turrets? I realize they aren’t new to the game but still… I guess they’re not that bad tho, as long as they don’t become too good.

(INF3RN0) #14

Uniform acceleration woot! Crosshairs be naiz too.

(rand0m) #15

Anyone else get the error I got on windows 8?

(rand0m) #16

Patch feels GREAT! Movement feels so much more fluid…clunkiness is gone. Love the new classes. But please give c4 back to the engineer :).

Anyway to change crosshair size? Dot is super small in high res.

(Kendle) #17

Nope, I’m Windows 8 as well and no issues here.

+1 for the movement, feels consistent and smooth now
+1 for the art pass on Camden, starting to look real nice, especially like the “dirty” feel to it
-? not sure on the map changes to Waterloo, adding the side corridor to break the choke point after the wall is blown is nice, but the upstairs area in the station feels too open now
+1 soldier primary and secondary swapped, makes sense
+1 for the dot, just need an option to increase the size, it’s a bit small for my liking, tho being able to set either to bright red is great
+1 for removing ammo racks, actually had people asking for ammo tonight, can’t remember that ever happening before

-1 (maybe) not looking forward to the TTK being increased as speculated, game is really starting to play well now, would hate to see it take a backward step

(INF3RN0) #18

-1 (maybe) not looking forward to the TTK being increased as speculated, game is really starting to play well now, would hate to see it take a backward step[/QUOTE]

In a rush to leave to school, but pretty much what Kendle said. Also Kendle what would you feel about lower RoF and higher damage to maintain the current TTK? I just think a slightly lower RoF in general would benefit the weapon mechanics, and I’d gladly keep the TTK with damage compensation.

(Kendle) #19

Yep, that would be fine by me, I just think it’s important that reflexes, or lack of them, make a difference in this game, because they do in pretty much every other game, and of course in real world “sports”, whereas over the years I feel the ET / ET:QW community has become too fixated with “I must be able to survive enough bullets to bring down an Elephant so I can never be killed before I’'m good and ready” to the exclusion of pretty much everything else. :slight_smile: ( <-- that’s a smilie, meaning my comment is somewhat tongue in cheek )

But that’s side-tracking this thread and I shouldn’t have mentioned it really.

This update is very nice, the previous one was very nice, I can see the game evolving and I like where it’s going (for now, I suspect that feeling will evaporate when XP unlocks and spammy stuff like deployable ammo racks and MG’s find their way into the game).

(OwNLY) #20

Well, a real crosshair would have been nice, the dot is a good start but bad for tracking…

Expecting the next update :smiley:

But now that we have turrets i miss the mines… both are annoying.