Camden 17963

(Evil-Doer) #1

I seem to lose Frames next to the cart at this brick wall, but Valdez does not.

Also why are my screenshots turning black at the bottom? lol what is going on.

[0036.85] Log: Log file open, 03/27/13 16:07:22
[0036.85] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.03.27-16.07.22 using build 8710 built from changelist 17963
[0036.85] Log: MapName: OBJ_Camden
[0036.85] Log: Description:
[0036.85] Log: BugItGo -2572.0879 5078.7539 3056.1499 -795 -2517 0
[0036.85] Log: ?BugLoc=-2572.09,5078.75,3056.15?BugRot=-795,-2517,0
[0036.85] Log: —=== GameSpecificData ===—
[0036.85] Log: Log file closed, 03/27/13 16:07:22

(iwound) #2

you can deliver cells before helicopter arrives but after train crashes.

(en2ie) #3

Thought I would add to this thread:

Attacking on the carry-able objective phase I spawned on top of a train carriage and from there was able to just walk out of the map (see screenshot).

[7486.39] Log: Log file open, 03/27/13 21:43:30
[7486.39] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.03.27-21.43.30 using build 8710 built from changelist 17963
[7486.39] Log: MapName: OBJ_Camden
[7486.39] Log: Description:
[7486.39] Log: BugItGo 7835.8413 3127.3982 2992.1499 -2232 25851 0
[7486.39] Log: ?BugLoc=7835.84,3127.40,2992.15?BugRot=-2232,25851,0
[7486.39] Log: —=== GameSpecificData ===—
[7486.39] Log: Log file closed, 03/27/13 21:43:30

(rookie1) #4

Im stuck