raw mouse input and sensitivity

(Glottis-3D) #1

Seems like there is no way to set raw mode for mouse. For example some modern FPS games use raw mode for mouse and using by using it possible to make same mouse sensitivity in several games. Or there is any formula to convert?

(Dragonji) #2

Raw input is a must for any new FPS game IMHO!

But for now you may use this as a work around:

(SRS-Kap) #3

Dirty Bomb already uses raw mouse input by default, however, this doesn’t mean you will be able to use the same sensitivity across multiple games (as generally each game has its own method of converting input to turn rates etc…). There is probably some consistency across games using the same engine, however, there is no guarantee.
Raw mouse input generally is used to get round O/S features such as mouse acceleration and to provide the lowest possible input latency.

(Glottis-3D) #4

after posting i found UseRawMouseInput=1 in ShooterEngine.ini. ok but in cs:go and quakelive and quakeworld(ezquake client) u can use one sens for both 3 games and this games have different engines. seems like this unreal engine uses another method of converting sensitivity and it’s bad that u cant do anything with it :frowning:

(woll3) #5

Wheres the Problem? Just use a ruler.

(jopjop) #6

Go to a corner(ingame) turn a full circle so that the crosshair point to same spot as before turning. Measure the amount you moved your mouse. For me this is ~45-50cm/360 degrees. Now you have your sensitivity… and if someone asks you about your sensitivity this is the correct way to inform the someone. Also you can now go to any game and adjust the sensitivity until you have it right.
If you want to adjust mouse x and y axes independently HERE is how you do it.

(Bangtastic) #7

where is the problem? its already perfect imo. unreal engine games can have have the best mouse feeling at least for me :slight_smile: frostbite engine feels again different or COD engine, damn this one gives me nightmares

gj SD^^ but its just a matter of how you are used to a certain mouse manner in games and how often you play the game, the can have slightly mouse acc, and some ppl wont notice it at all. its again more placebo^^ it wont let you better aim ^^

(Mustang) #8

