Specating player on MG doesnt follow

(KillinFreak) #1

While spectating a player on Camden I noticed that when he got on the MG I was not following his movement. It would just look straight ahead while he was firing in different directions.

[2984.07] Log: Log file open, 03/24/13 12:45:26
[2984.07] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.03.24-12.45.26 using build 8710 built from changelist 17437
[2984.07] Log: MapName: OBJ_Camden
[2984.07] Log: Description: 
[2984.07] Log: BugItGo -206.1932 3488.0000 3070.1453 0 -32768 0
[2984.07] Log: ?BugLoc=-206.19,3488.00,3070.15?BugRot=0,-32768,0
[2984.07] Log:  ---=== GameSpecificData ===--- 
[2984.07] Log: Log file closed, 03/24/13 12:45:26

(Volcano) #2

also happens on the tank mg