New Launcher - 1529

(jRAD) #1

A new Launcher (SVN 1529) is available, with quite a few additions and improvements.

First, there have been several crash and hang fixes, several small tweaks to the visual style and many other under-the-hood improvements.

Friends list
Next, we’ve added the first iteration of the friends list, accessible by clicking the Friends button in the lower right-hand corner of the Launcher.
You can add and remove friends, see if they’re playing and join them on their server if they are.

There’s also a new Diagnostic option, “Flush Log Files.” It should only be used if you’re having a persistent problem and you’re asked to turn it on. Enabling it all the time can hurt performance, so the option is turned off when you log out or quit the launcher.

Crash reporting
Finally, we’ve integrated the Launcher (and in the next update, the game) with our crash reporting service, Crash Damage. This allows us to automatically collect crash dump files, then generate reports and deal with them in the same way we do with our internal crashes.

Happy launching!

(Volcano) #2

glad to see the players list automatically shows on the right. now if only i could work out who these people are who added me( clickable name that links to their forum page?)

(Pytox) #3

great to haev friends list now awesome work :smiley:

(Dragonji) #4

“Training” tab doesn’t work.

(Bangtastic) #5

chazaam! well done :slight_smile:

(MrFunkyFunk) #6

It’s not like there’s more than one server occupied at any given time :tongue:
Still, thanks for the feature.

(Loffy) #7

R delivers! Awesome!

(Scrupus) #8

hehe Crash Damage - awesome name for a crash reporting system! :smiley:

Looking forward for friend list, and hopefully less crashes :slight_smile:

(Hyperg) #9

Launcher : Friend Territory \o/

(iwound) #10

offline friends list count is off by 1.

great additions thanks.

(iwound) #11

double post remove.

(Maca) #12

Indeed, I can’t appreciate the one person who added me :smiley:

(Bangtastic) #13

Is there any friends number limit?

(rookie1) #14

looking forward to see this tonight :slight_smile:

edit :im trying to update on my laptop just to get the laucher open …I cant play the game on my laptop (error) probably doesnt have the min spec but if it can run the lanucher only thats good :slight_smile:

(Pytox) #15

You can have friends over 9000 :smiley:

(Rex) #16

A good step forward! :wink:

One question: The first time I took a look at my friend list there were many friend invites by some random guys I never heard of. Some of them were even called something like “348414769” (random numbers). Is this a bug, or just some trolls?

(ImageOmega) #17

[QUOTE=Rex;435823]A good step forward! :wink:

One question: The first time I took a look at my friend list there were many friend invites by some random guys I never heard of. Some of them were even called something like “348414769” (random numbers). Is this a bug, or just some trolls?[/QUOTE]

I think this is partly because it is syncing with other games like Rad Soldiers. I noticed I already had people added from that. No idea about the random numbers though.

Anyways, great job on this, SD. I am really interested to see just how fleshed out this Launcher will get. Going to be a huge deal when the game goes open beta.

(zeroooo) #18

check this out

(Evil-Doer) #19

Good stuff :slight_smile:

(Mustang) #20

Players list is in a much better position now.

Going from the Training tab to others (Options, About, Credits) is problematic.