Render Issue: Player shadows visible through level geometry

(Hyperg) #1

Description: The shadows cast by other players are visible on the geometry polys facing the player camera, when the respective players are on the other side of the geometry.

Replicate: This seems to happen consistently when the other players are “above” you on a platform, specifically on Whitechapel inside the church, on the lateral walkways.

Attachments: Two occurences, from the Whitechapel map. Also posted my DxDiag again for reference.

[table=“align: left”]

<img src="//" width="690" height="431"><br/>
[2468.88] Log: Log file open, 03/14/13 20:40:52

[2468.88] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.03.14-20.40.52 using build 8710 built from changelist 17437
[2468.88] Log: MapName: OBJ_Whitechapel
[2468.88] Log: Description:
[2468.88] Log: BugItGo 10077.8555 17095.8301 1952.8333 4395 30222 0
[2468.88] Log: ?BugLoc=10077.86,17095.83,1952.83?BugRot=4395,30222,0
[2468.88] Log: —=== GameSpecificData ===—
[2468.88] Log: Log file closed, 03/14/13 20:40:52


<img src="//" width="690" height="431"><br/>
[[2470.92] Log: Log file open, 03/14/13 20:40:54

[2470.92] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2013.03.14-20.40.54 using build 8710 built from changelist 17437
[2470.92] Log: MapName: OBJ_Whitechapel
[2470.92] Log: Description:
[2470.92] Log: BugItGo 10077.8555 17095.8301 1952.8333 2595 31199 0
[2470.92] Log: ?BugLoc=10077.86,17095.83,1952.83?BugRot=2595,31199,0
[2470.92] Log: —=== GameSpecificData ===—
[2470.92] Log: Log file closed, 03/14/13 20:40:54

[HR][/HR] (6.44 KB)
