trick jumping with adhe

(adhesive) #1

(Anti) #2

Ahhh you tease, at least show us how you did them! :smiley:

(adhesive) #3

the wall part you have to run jump just right so it launches you up

(DarkangelUK) #4

I got in there last night (first screenshot from adhe above, you can land on the middle vent flap). Had a wee run around then fell through the map. Took a screenshot but decided bed sounded better than posting it (ok I forgot)

[3484.59] Log: Log file open, 12/04/12 21:46:45
[3484.59] Log: Dumping BugIt data chart at 2012.12.04-21.46.45 using build 8710 built from changelist 14137
[3484.59] Log: MapName: OBJ_LondonBridge
[3484.59] Log: Description: 
[3484.59] Log: BugItGo -2208.8091 -3820.1716 688.6846 -4283 14796 0
[3484.59] Log: ?BugLoc=-2208.81,-3820.17,688.68?BugRot=-4283,14796,0
[3484.59] Log:  ---=== GameSpecificData ===--- 
[3484.59] Log: Log file closed, 12/04/12 21:46:45

adhesive if you press F12 to take a screen, it dumps the above code with position data etc.

(adhesive) #5

ya i did i just was to lazy to post it

(INF3RN0) #6

‘I break games’. I know how to pick my invites well :wink:.

(adhesive) #7

well i have been playing with you since like 08

(adhesive) #8

top of the building

(INF3RN0) #9

I posted the clipping issue that allows this to be possible in the bug form last week :).