What you gonna do, if...

(YouAreGood) #1

If it will be Brink II?

-> Answer

-> You apocalyptic question for the next person.

Simple like “everyone inside”?

(kamikazee) #2

If this is a commentary on Brink, maybe put it in the Brink forum.

This forum is for Dirty Bomb, which as far as I can tell is not yet released.


Your friendly forum neighbour

(rorgoroth) #3


Answer: Hope it’s not broken piece of crap baked in an oven of lies.

My apoc Q: What you gonna do, if… it is pay2win?

(YouAreGood) #4

A: Then I will pay for some other game…

Q: What you gonna do, if enemies glow red?

(amazinglarry) #5

A. I will assume they are evil.

Q. What you gonna do, when they come for you?

(TruGamer97) #6

A: But a bullet in their head.

Q: What if they are still coming?