Game Modes

(OneTwoSeven) #1

Hey everyone.

I had a search and couldn’t find anything about what Game Modes there will be. I’m wondering if there will be a round based mode like in Counter Strike or Socom? I’ve seen in one of the vid’s on youtube that the game is very much objective based. So I got high hope’s for some kind of objective round based game mode :slight_smile:

I understand if no one knows as info seems a little light on the ground right now, but thought I’d ask anyway.

(Vaporman) #2

H0RSE’s compendium may have the information you seek.

(.Chris.) #3

It’s basically like SD’s previous titles Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, the first been free so you can try that in full and there is a demo available for the latter.

(OneTwoSeven) #4

Thanks for the link. Some great info in there!

No leader boards is awesome! Theres way to much focus on leader boards in fps’s,

I couldn’t see anything about a round based game mode though :frowning:

Thanks anyway.

(tokamak) #5

There won’t be any. It’s probably just missions and stopwatch (compete against each other’s time limit). However a team survival mode sure does fit the genre, it would be the only game mode that would.

(OneTwoSeven) #6

Ah cool. I’ve played the Quake War’s demo so good to know its gonna be along those kinda lines.

Thats a bit of a shame, I alway love the tension thats added when you know you only have 1 life. Won’t stop me from buying this though, looks just the kinda game for me.

Thanks for the answers guys!

(Killgar) #7

What’s a round based game mode?

(DarkangelUK) #8

S&D in CoD or a typical game of Counter Strike. RtCW was quite popular with the OLTL (one life to live) mod, W:ET not so much… every so often in RtCW I would join a OLTL game just for a change of pace.

(Killgar) #9

Ah ok. Maxlife servers never seemed very popular in rtcw/w:et, unless you really liked drawn out campfests.

(Crytiqal) #10

Hunter, how did you get your 03 year award before your 01 year?

And then 05 year, all in a row? Shame on you!

(DarkangelUK) #11

The awards came later and all got applied at the same time for those that qualified, was just random when they got added to user profiles.

(Crytiqal) #12

its still 17 posts in 5+ years :stuck_out_tongue:

(DarkangelUK) #13

Even lurkers and idlers get awards :smiley:

(Nail) #14

I liked maxlife servers, got the medics back in play
LMS games on the other hand could be quite frustrating without good coordination