Modding Support

(NeoRussia) #1

So here’s the big question which in my opinion can brink this game up to the levels of ET games assuming that it takes the same form.
Since this game is f2p I imagine it’s PC only, in which case will there be modding support? Something like this can really support competitive communities all by itself, especially if made properly. Something like the steam workshop is really great and what this game needs to succeed (once again, assuming it even follows the ET model of gameplay).
Modding could have “saved” Brink and made it a bigger hit than it was, just think about that. I hope Splash Damage makes the correct call here, this could be the difference between failure or success depending on the format of the game.:stroggtapir:

(Evil-Doer) #2

In my opinion the fact that it’s probably going to; or most definitely be F2P we can ASSUME there will be support because aren’t the players the life blood of a F2P game? They kinda HAVE to support it for it to thrive. So we could very easily be OK with out modding support, what do you think bro?

Secondly it’s definitely PC only. (Says it on teaser trailer)

(Lynox) #3

it should be on steam workshop, so please splashdamage - do it.
sdk tools is a so important thing, look at enemy territory and how long it survived over years.

(shibbyuk) #4

Remember we’re talking about a brand new engine for SD here. I’m not sure what the implications of this are on the amount of work involved in releasing an SDK…?

(trAnc3) #5

since the game based on unreal engine, i think there will be ability to make mods, also unreal got great tools for that

(montheponies) #6

the point probably being missed is that previous models, where SDKs were released and community driven efforts were the norm totally fly in the face of the current monetised model of either PAYG (eg. BF3) and F2P where constant release of DLC spreads the overall development and support costs more evenly. Just saying release the SDK and give us the same as we had in 2003 isnt going to make this a success for SD as a businsess, as much as it suits us as gamers.