disoriented / clutter

(stlava) #1

I finally go the opportunity to play earlier today for a little bit and wanted to see if anyone else agrees with my thoughts.

I don’t know exactly what it is but on the maps I played I felt a little claustrophobic. I’m not entirely sure if that’s quite it but I felt that even in open areas there wasn’t a feeling of openness. I have played other games which have close quarter combat but somehow this feels different. I suspect this is due to high building structures and not being able to see buildings higher than the ones directly infront of me.

(light_sh4v0r) #2

I can see what you mean. It is London so I guess it’s what you expect, but I agree it would be nice to have some points where it actually feels you’re in a big city instead of just some streets.

(SockDog) #3

Of all the maps I’d say London Bridge feels the most city like. The others do seem to be more caricatures and smaller.

(zenstar) #4

It feels like London to me. Most of London is all tiny maze-like webs of backstreets with a single main Highstreet running down the center and the odd park here and there =P

Would be nice to have a Hyde Park map though… maybe filled with refugee shacks and whatnot?