Class icons

(Breo) #1

I think that the soldier icon is confusing, because you would think they have ammo while the fieldops have it :o

(Runeforce) #2

…I Agree…

(Rex) #3

I also agree. Often I just stared mad at the assault and wondering why he isn’t giving me some ammo :smiley:
Furthermore I would appreciate renaming the “Assault” to “Soldier”. We got Assaults already in other games and I think the majority is more familiar with “Soldier”.

(murka) #4

Indeed, it might be best to give the soldier icon to field opts and the soldier some helmet icon.

(Ashog) #5

Haha, yeah, was already on the first day trying to milk soldier Crytiqal for ammo pax :slight_smile:
He refused to produce any milk tho.

(Donnovan) #6

Are you guys trying to lower the learning curve? I believe this need to be tied to the overall public, that can easely be first time fps players, or “rookies”. So, for me, dont need to change because we dont understand.

(Thundermuffin) #7

This isn’t actually lowering the learning curve at all; it’s making something that should be obvious in the heat of the moment more obvious.

I agree that the icon for the soldier is confusing; maybe give it to the field ops and make it so it looks like a bullet shell dropping (to signal airstrike and ability to drop ammo)? Give the soldier something like a gun or a helmet.

(Donnovan) #8

What you do in the heat of battle today depends of what you did yesterday. What game you was playing? We just start to play a new game, it have new things.

(Thundermuffin) #9

I don’t think you understand; the issue of new things isn’t even being discussed here, and no one has brought up any previous games at all. This all has to do with the way people are perceiving icons and the confusion that arises based on the icons of this game.

(Breo) #10

Zomg play some rounds as assault and you know what I mean. Teammates standing in front of you and screaming for ammo because the bullet icon is above your head -_-

(Donnovan) #11

I believe this Anti post have something to do with this topic:

If not, sorry to take your time.