Announcer voices

(tokamak) #1

I really like the announcer voice that’s currently in place. It’s calm, lightly sarcastic and it has a nice accent going which really suits the setting. However, this guy reminded me of a milder version of Totalbiscuit (aka The Cynical Brit).

Currently Totalbiscuit is the biggest game reviewer around, bigger than Yahtzee I would even say and that makes him incredibly influential.

So with the game set in London and the Britishness of the game leaking from its pores I think it would be a great idea to hire Totalbiscuit and let hem do all the announcer voices.

Here’s his Youtube version

And with that idea planted, you can even expand on it further by hiring more popular youtube gamers and let them do character voices. This is absolutely blatant pandering to the pc gamer public but its an incredible way to build hype and I think it would generate more exposure than when that money would be spend on unknown voice actors.

Maybe let Yahtzee do one side and Totalbiscuit the other. Even more fun. I can already envision promo material of perhaps these two sworn (ingame) enemies as leaders of each team having a really brooding phone-call about the current state of London or something.

(light_sh4v0r) #2

Lol, I like the idea. Most of my English gamer friends really dislike both though.

(Dthy) #3

I could never get into TotalBiscuit. Lotsa love for Yahtzee though. <3 Zero Punctuation.

I’d love to see egoraptor do a VO of some kind, but he wouldn’t suit this game. (From what I’ve seen at least, wish there was an offline mode I could try…)

(Ca9ine) #4

The announcer I’ve heard so far really reminds me of the dude from both W:ET and ET:QW
Same guy? (I forget his name… he’s awesome though!)

(Seanza) #5

I hope & pray that Total****head goes nowhere near this game with his dreadfully annoying voice.

(mortis) #6

I want a sarcastic global “Thanks!” and a sarcastic global “Great Shot!” :slight_smile:

(H0RSE) #7

lol, I’m the exact opposite. I despise Yahtzee.

As far as annoncer voices go, I was always a fan of English female voices.

(zenstar) #8

I’m not too bothered what voices you go with as long as there are no chavs!
Besides: to do chavs correctly you have to pause after every third word for a string of swearing and after every fifth word you require a break for either swigging some lager or because the brain has slipped out of gear.

Also +1 for Yahtzee but only because he’s funny (vocally I couldn’t care less).

(Exedore) #9

We remember pretty vividly… :wink:

(tokamak) #10

Yeah he’s quite positive and open minded compared to most reviewers. In the same vein he also really liked the Unstoppable Gorg by Futuremark. That was also a weird game which tried to give a new spin on an existing genre. I don’t think the game sold well but his review made testing it all the more rewarding.