Buggy data sending?

(DaemonumX) #1

Hi. I try to play online with a random player. I make my move and then get “Unable to send turn” when i finish my move. I tried numerous times.

It also seems my opponent makes his moves and gets closer to the rocket and i get to start over every time i leave the send turn window. I will surely lose.

Also, when i get back to multiplayer it says my opponent awaits my move. When pressing that match i get to chose my captain abilities again. Why? I already made that choice from the beginning. If i do make a new choice i start from the first position again while my opponent have reached the rocket.

How can i fix this?

EDIT: Tried at home on wifi and no problem so the problem is, for me, to play without wifi. I don’t know why, i play loads of online games without wifi. I ll try again today and report back here.