No Server is shown in my ingame Serverlist

(BlueRed) #1


my Serverlist is completly empty.
I have just downloaded Brink and the additional DLC.
No no Server is shown in the Serverlist.
But a manual connect to our clanserver works.

And next question how can i get the DLC package working on my dedicated Brink server and
what will happen to players wich not have the additional maps?

Any ideas ?

Thx for your help.

(Rosie the Riveter) #2

First: create a server from the in game menu
Join and play for a few minutes
Now go back to your BRINK browser. Servers should be there now.
Its a recent STEAM issue for many games.

If that didn’t work then:
Can you see servers listed in the STEAM server browser with the BRINK filter?
If so, then you may need to forward ports or allow steam.exe and brink.exe through firewall in order to see them in the BRINK browser

Make sure that your BRINK browser filter settings aren’t blocking

When you updated your dedicated server files, it installs the DLC maps
You need to add the new maps to your map rotation / map vote cvar line
//////////////////////////////////////// /////////
//////////////////////////////////////// /////////
//Maprotation - FIXED!
//The server will run the below maps in the order listed.

g_mapRotationFixed “mp/aquarium,mp/ccity,mp/reactor,mp/refuel,mp/resort,mp/sectow,mp/shipyard,mp/terminal,mp/lab,mp/founders”

//Maprotation - VOTE!
//Server will allow the players to vote which map to play at the end of each round! They can ONLY choose from the maps listed below!
//g_mapRotationVote “mp/aquarium,mp/ccity,mp/reactor,mp/refuel,mp/resort,mp/sectow,mp/shipyard, mp/,mp/founders”

Players who don’t have the new maps will be disconnected from the server on map change

(BlueRed) #3


i dont think that i need a portforwarding.
I have created a outbound rule wich allows all outgoing traffic to the internet.
And i have no inbound rule… because i dont want to host a server.

I have also disabled the windows Firewall… same problem.
I can see my server created here in my local net… but no servers on the inet but
i know the ip of my of own clanserver and a manual connect to its ip works perfect,
so i dont think its a fireall problem.

B.t.w. atm the Serverscann starts in brink normaly i would see in the connectionlist on my router about 300 connections (for checking the ping to the server) but this time it seems the scann does not start in brink.

(DrD3ath) #4

You shouldn’t have to do any port forwarding unless you want others from outside to be able to connect to a dedicated server running on your own machine. (that port forwarding is necessary to play a game is a myth and compromises your computer security. It is only need if you run a server from your machine and you want others on the internet to be able to see it and join).

Are you clicking “Freeplay” and then “internet” in in-=game menu ?
Have you tried to alter the in game browser filter settings ?
Is your firewall blocking it ? It needs both outgoing and incoming.

(BlueRed) #5

Strange thing is that on my 2nd PC (Windows XP) everything is fine…
But on my Windows 7 x64 the list wont work, even after a reinstall of the whole steam.

(DrD3ath) #6

You will likely stumble across the solution and kick yourself when you do :smiley: Is it possibly windows firewall ?

(BlueRed) #7

i think i have spoted the error…

something has been messed up with the server filters ingame.
is there a possibility to reset all game settings?

(DrD3ath) #8

click the + sign beside each filter to turn it off. And test the options for them all.