DLC map names

(EnderWiggin.DA.) #1

Crazy question, but what are the map names for the DLC? I just want to add them to my map rotation.

(TruGamer97) #2

Founders tower and labs

(Rosie the Riveter) #3

yes but what are the exact spellings so we can add the maps to the server map cycles

for example

do you see the problem ? :frowning:

(TruGamer97) #4

That I don’t know

(Anti) #5

founders and labs I believe

Edit: Sorry, ‘lab’ apparently

(Lokalen) #6

Updated server.

“si_version” is:“Brink 1.0.23653.48097 win-x86 Jul 29 2011 11:23:02” default:“Brink 1.0.23653.48097 win-x86 Jul 29 2011 11:23:02”
engine version

But can’t find the maps:

]admin changemap mp/founders
You can’t change to that map.
]admin changemap mp/labs
You can’t change to that map.
]admin changemap mp/founderstower
You can’t change to that map.
]admin changemap mp/tower
You can’t change to that map.
]admin changemap mp/founders_tower
You can’t change to that map.

Would be great with some documentation, the readme was not updates as far as I can see.

(Lokalen) #7

My bad, too later and too tired. Anyways, my mistake was that I didn’t find the maps because I mispelled one and because I spawned the server with my usual maps making me thing it didn’t load the new ones.

The map names are:

mp/lab <— no ‘s’ on the end.

Enjoy. Still would love some documentation on this when things are getting released.

(Spangler) #8

I cannot get this to work on my server. Can you?

(Patriotqube) #9

this is then one im using, works like a charm

g_mapRotationFixed "mp/ccity,mp/lab,mp/founders,mp/refuel,mp/aquarium,mp/reactor,mp/resort,mp/sectow,mp/shipyard,mp/terminal"

(Lokalen) #10

What happens, any errors or other output? Did the update go well? Are you running throught Steam or HLDS?

(Brainless) #11

Why the worries about a map name. Ok you wanna check them out. But i just downloaded the DLC and there is still no one thqt plays it.

(Rosie the Riveter) #12

Clients don’t need to worry about the map name correct spelling
Server ops do
If the map name is misspelled in the map rotation line in the server.cfg, the server may disconnect all the clients, stall or loop back to the beginning of the map cycle

the correct spellings are
mp/lab and mp/founders

(FireWorks) #13

Just make sure refuel is in there too…

How about the mapvotes? I saw voting servers without the new maps too today