2 quick questions

(PyROZen) #1

ok, i’ve been mapping for HL for about 2 years now so switching to raidant wasn’t too hard, but there are a few things i cant figure out. For starters, how can you hide brushes so you can work around them? in Hammer there is a hide button but i havn’t been able to find any such function in raidant. And #2, how do i get my maps to run in ET? i use “sv_pure 0” ,“g_gametype 2” and “devmap” and it still kicks me back to the title screen. Any help is greatly appreciated.


(Thej) #2

ok, for ur #1 question i have the following answer.

Its under the view button Hide/show

for the #2 i think u didnt put ur min and max mapcoords in the worldspawn

(PyROZen) #3

ok, thanks man. guess now would be the time to soak up all the tutorials i can get meh hands on :beer:

(Thej) #4

read the sticky thread README first on the top of the forum :smiley:

(Loffy) #5

Hi PyRO!
Im at work so I dont have my radiant infront of me. But there is a cool option called Region. Try it!
You select all the brushs that you want to work on. Let us say you’re mapping for Doom3 and you’re working on a map where the Doomraiders will steal gold from a bank, and the Doomdudes are defending the bank. You want to work on the stuf inside the bank, but there are so many other brushes outside the bank. Select the whole bank. Then go to you menu. > Region > Select brushes. Wopsi, all the other brushes disappeared! Now you can map on the bank stuff.
To get them back, just do Region > off.
I hope that was correct. Im not sure.
// Loffy

(lennyballa) #6

Use a “/” before you type the commands

(sock) #7

Select the brushes you dont want to see and press “H”. This will hide all selected brushes. If you want them back just press “SHIFT+H”. Also worth learning is all the filters for removing stuff from view. Most of the critical filters have shortcuts but you can see them from the “View/filter” menu option.

I beleive this thread is a popular one to help you solve your first map problems.
