Opening sdpk2 files

(MaxiM) #1

Is it possible yet? I tried the usual methods that I’ve used since Quake I, but none of my proggies worked. Did anyone managed to take a peek inside these files? :infiltrator:

(Nail) #2

nothing to see there son, now move along


(MaxiM) #3

You can call me son if you’re at least 60yo :hog:

(Trivve) #4

Yes. Not much to see there. Only found some config files useful (which a dev later posted anyway).

(MaxiM) #5

So, you have opened the files? How? That was my initial question you know - not if there’s anything interesting in them :stuck_out_tongue:

(Nail) #6

date of birth: Dec 11 1950


(Mustang) #7

Haha, how ironic, you do know Nail’s age or something?

(Nail) #8

I figure he’s a muture gent and thought he was “old”

(Beast) #9

I am a modeler and texture artist (hobby future career) and i would just love to extract the models and textures so i can pose them for signatures and maybe machinima. If anyone finds a tool capable of extracting these i would be grateful.

I have tried 7zip,pakscape and DragonUnpack without success. Im pretty sure *.SDPK2 = Splash damage pak 2