Tank Tutorial/Prefab??

(BlAcky) #1


i’m looking for a nice Tank-Tutorial since a few weeks… but i havn’t found one yet.

i found this thread, but its old and the link wich is posted there is down

someone can help me adding a tank in my map or someone got a working tank-tutorial/prefab?

would be nice!

Big thx,

(FireFly) #2

2bit has a tanktutorial up on his website: http://www.pythononline.co.uk/et/tutorial38.htm

(BlAcky) #3

yes, i tried this already months ago
but i think my english is too bad for this, dunno - it hasnt workd :confused:

what my tank needs:

  • destroyd at match-start
  • destroyable by axis, repairable by allies
  • tank barrier (1)
  • shooting on a obj

anyone got a tank with the stuff above? thx in advance

(KeMoN) #4

have a look at that link. It is a generator for vehicles (such as tanks)

You just fill in the gaps with the stuff you need and download the .map file. Then you arrange the splines in the way you need it.
Voila, a working tank :slight_smile:

Hope it will work for you.

(Destroy666) #5

You can generate a tank prefab here: www.ujeclan.com (click on PREFAB GENERATOR)

(BlAcky) #6

If im going on this link and fill in the gaps all is fine, but if i want to download it nothing happens :S

nice! downloaded, imported, fixxed the targetnames etc, tested, worked! really nice :))

big thx!

(Kic) #7


(eiM) #8

BlAcky >_<

I’ve pointed you to that generator months ago :smiley: Can’t believe you havent checked it out and struggled ever since because of that xD