Help: Server completely Borked

(Apophus) #1

Since the patch today the server is no longer crashing however, I am unable to spawn objectives in the game.

Regardless of what configuration changes I make to the server.cfg it is impossible to play because the goals of the mission on never loaded into the game. I have tried everything I can imagine at this point and outside of reinstalling our server I’m at a complete loss on what to do.

I’ve reverted and gutted my server.cfg to the bare minimum.


//Server Info
si_name "!Altered Consciousness - Chicago!"

//Server Configuration  
exec server_objective_standard_vs.cfg

//Server Map Rotation
exec server_map_rotation_examples.cfg
spawnServer mp/reactor.entities

Server Type:

si_rules sdGameRulesObjective
applyServerConfig Standard
si_playMode 2
si_onlineMode 3

I am at a complete loss for a solution.

(Pickerd) #2

Try adding:

wait 1000

to the top of the config. Some fast machines boot the server up so fast it ignores settings in the configs. It’s part of why were seeing so many threads about server settings being ignored.