Why are there no bots on my server?

(GossamerSolid) #1

I’m not sure why bots aren’t spawning in on the server. Am I missing something in my config?

//Server Name
si_name “server name”

//Play mode, 2 means versus
si_playMode “2”
//Online mode, enforces online server
si_onlineMode “3”
//Gamemode to use
si_rules “sdGameRulesObjective”
//Need password?
si_needpass “0”

//Allow campaign players to hijack server?
net_serverAllowHijacking “0”

//Max Players in server
si_maxPlayersHuman “16”
//Max players per team
si_maxTeamSize “8”
//Friendly Fire
si_teamDamage “0”
//Force Team Balance
si_teamForceBalance “1”
//Warmup round
si_warmupSpawn “1”
//Server time limit
si_timelimit “30”
//Rim lighting tints on enemies
si_enemyTintEnabled “1”
//Percent of players needed to be ready before match start
si_readyPercent “60”

//Enable Bots
bot_enable “1”
//Bot Difficulty
si_botDifficulty “2”

//Reserve Slots
si_privateClients “2”
g_privatePassword “”

//RCON Information
net_serverRemoteConsolePassword “”

//Max Rank allowed, 4 means all allowed
si_maxRank “4”

//Map Rotation
g_mapRotationVote “mp/aquarium, mp/ccity, mp/reactor, mp/refuel, mp/resort, mp/sectow, mp/shipyard, mp/terminal”
spawnServer mp/aquarium.entities

(Apophus) #2

Try adding this:

bot_minClients “16”

(GossamerSolid) #3

[QUOTE=Apophus;303388]Try adding this:

bot_minClients “16”[/QUOTE]

sorry, I forgot to mention that I tried that before. No avail.

Any other suggestions?

(Apophus) #4

Try removing this block;

//Enable Bots
bot_enable "1"
//Bot Difficulty
si_botDifficulty "2"

I believe the si_rules “sdGameRulesObjective” may deal with the bots naturally.

(Deadwalking) #5

I was playing around with a server last night and found that I had to remove all bot cvars from my config except for difficulty. And I added applyServerConfig “Advanced” to my.cfg, since it has bots and if I remeber right VOIP. I then just for grins rename brinkdedconfig.cfg to 1brinkdedconfig.cfg just to make sure that the server dosnt try to load any old settings that may have been written to the brinkdedconfig.cfg. And restart the server.

If you set any of your own cvars that may conflict with the Advanced config then your server will still show up as custom, but as long as I was not setting any of the bot commands in my config they would spawn. As soon as I added bot_enable, or bot_minclients or bot_minClientsMax then bots would not spawn on the server.

(GossamerSolid) #6

I’ll give those suggestions a try.