Sound utterly bugged

(Stinger) #1

OK, so basically the sound kind of doesn’t work at all for me in this game, even though I can hear it. It’s like I can hear my own gun shots, as well as other gun sounds like reloading etc., and my footsteps REALLY well; they’re so loud in comparison to the rest of the sounds in the game that it’s impossible for me to tell that, for example, theres a huge gunfight going on behind my back by listening to the game.

Sometimes, I don’t know what causes it and why, the sounds will kind of level themselves to the point where I can actually hear other people move around the map, shoot etc. BUT it doesn’t help much, since the sound placement / positioning is completely off. It seems as if all sounds coming from other players are really muffled, coming from a very far away location, so its impossible to locate their origin. For example there could be a guy standing across the room from me shooting his gun, and I can hear shooting, but it sounds like it’s coming from a building that’s a few blocks away. Also, I sometimes hear sounds of people running, sliding right next to me, but when I look around, there’s nothing there…

Works fine with a low number of players/bots. I’m running W7x64, ASUS Xonar Essence ST with GX, Dolby off. Anyone else run into this sort of problem? What are your specs? I’m basically looking for people with similar issues and hopefully, someone who’s managed to fix it by means of entering some magic console commands, I don’t need advice on how to update my system drivers/DX, as I play tons of other games and they all work flawlessly.

(BMXer) #2

Not counting the map with no sound, I also have strange sound issues. Pretty much exactly what you described.

I think they forgot to tweak the sound when they ported this game from the Xbox version to the PC. I wonder if the sound is equally a wonky on the consoles?