Server up but not appearing in server browser

(cfour) #1

I can direct connect to the server using ip but it does not appear in the server browser. Any reason for this, a bug know issue? or is something wrong with my config.

//Max players
//This seems to be broken, I think?
si_maxPlayers 16

//Amount of players required to start a match
si_minPlayers 2

//Max players per team
si_maxTeamSize 8

//max HUMAN players
si_maxPlayersHuman 16

//Game Rules
//si_rules sdGameRulesStopWatch
//si_rules sdGameRulesObjective
//si_rules sdGameRulesChallenge
//si_rules sdGameRulesCampaign
si_rules sdGameRulesObjective

//Server Configuration
//Old Skool
applyServerConfig Standard

//Set the name of your server
si_name “The Older Gamers”

//Password your server?
//0 = No
//1 = Yes
si_needpass 0

//Password for your server - si_needpass NEEDS to be set to 1!
g_password “xxxxx”

//Server admin password (rcon password)
net_serverRemoteConsolePassword “xxxx”

//Set the play mode
//si_playmode 0 = solo
//si_playmode 1 = Co-op
//si_playmode 2 = versus
si_playmode 2

//Allow server to be borrowed by players who are using matchmaking service?
//This will allow the match making service to use your server when it is empy!
net_serverAllowHijacking 0

//Set who can join your server
//0 = SOLO
si_onlineMode 3

//Friendly fire
//0 = Off
//1 = On
si_teamDamage 1

//Enable spectating
//0 = Off
//1 = On
si_spectators 1

//Server time limit
si_timelimit 30

//Set if players can only join the smaller size team
//0 = Off
//1 = On
si_teamForceBalance 1

//Diable Voting?
//0 = Off
//1 = On
si_disableVoting 0

//Bot Difficulty
//-1 = ANY
//0 = EASY
//1 = NORMAL
//2 = HARD
si_botDifficulty -1

//Percentage of players that need to ready up to start a match
si_readyPercent 70

//Allow players to spawn and play during warm-up period
//0 = Off
//1 = On
si_warmupSpawn 1

//Rim lighting tints on enemies
//0 = Off
//1 = On
si_enemyTintEnabled 1

//Enable rank restrictons
//0 = Off
//1 = On
si_rankRestricted 0

//Restrict player ranks
//si_maxRank 0 = Rank 1 players only
//si_maxRank 1 = Rank 1 and 2 players only
//si_maxRank 2 = Rank 1, 2 and 3 players only
//si_maxRank 3 = Rank 1, 2, 3 and 4 players only
//si_maxRank 4 = All player ranks can join
si_maxRank 4


//Maprotation - FIXED!
//The server will run the below maps in the order listed.
//g_mapRotationFixed “mp/aquarium,mp/ccity,mp/reactor,mp/refuel,mp/resort,mp/sectow,mp/shipyard,mp/terminal”

//Maprotation - VOTE!
//Server will allow the players to vote which map to play at the end of each round! They can ONLY choose from the maps listed below!
//g_mapRotationVote “mp/aquarium,mp/ccity,mp/reactor,mp/refuel,mp/resort,mp/sectow,mp/shipyard,mp/terminal”

//From Config Editor
g_mapRotationVote “mp/aquarium,mp/ccity,mp/reactor,mp/refuel,mp/resort,mp/sectow,mp/shipyard,mp/terminal”

//g_mapRotationFixed “mp/aquarium,mp/ccity,mp/reactor,mp/refuel,mp/resort,mp/sectow,mp/shipyard,mp/terminal”

spawnServer “mp/aquarium”

command line
+set fs_userpath D:\ClientInstalls\xxxxx\GameServers\xxxxxxx +set net_serverDedicated 1 +set net_ip +set net_serverPort 27015 +set net_serverPortMaster 27016 +set net_serverPortAuth 8766 +exec server.cfg +set si_maxPlayers 16

Any help would be appreciated.

(humbug) #2

we are having the same problems although only on one box.

to cut a long story short, if there are more than 1 brink servers sitting on a box then they will have issues. Even though the connect port is bound to an ip it seems the query/listing port isnt and neither is the auth port to steam.

This is even after the recent update btw. (BRINK Server Depot 2’ version 2)

I hope this can be fixed before it goes live in europe else there will be a more unhappy people than there are now. :rolleyes:

(cfour) #3

Luckily my GSP managed to fix this for me by giving me a new ip/port possibly the fix you mentioned above.

(gee666) #4

I too am having this problem , Game Tracker and Games Servers show the server a running but it is not showing on the server browser when serves are done

(Padooka) #5

Not sure if this is the “right” solution, but saw this mentioned, tried it and showing up without problems now.

First of all, I read that the ip address can’t change after first launch. So if dynamic ip, it could have changed (mine did).

First, I set my server ip to be static through my router config.

Still didn’t work after that, so I removed/uninstalled the dedicated server from steam, then had to delete the brink dedicated server folder in steamapps/common.

Then reinstalled the server from steam tools, setup port forwarding to the static server ip and good to go after that.

Although now strugglin a bit with maxplayers in a campaign environment, but server consistently shows up. Step at a time I guess.

Hope this helps.

(Deadwalking) #6

If your server is not updated and your client is you will not see the server in the browser. I had this issue last night. didnt realize the server files had been updated again.

As for the more than 1 server on a box the only thing I needed to do to keep them seperate was to add +set fs_userpath serverdirectory to the commandline options.

(Flubber) #7

I wouldn’t bother about server not showing in the browser. I’ve just made 15 refresh to test, and server numbers vary from 80 to 850. It’s totally buggy.