Um.. everything unlocked when I tried to take a demo?

(NhvK) #1

I tried to record a demo using what I thought were commands for recording demos. And the game looked like it was going to play a demo, but it took me to a score screen and leveled me to max (I was just about to be 11), after that it took me back to the screen after character selection, I proceeded to get the steam achievement for finishing my character, and everything was unlocked.

Any ideas? :frowning:
All I wanted to do was be able to record a demo and not have to play w/ fraps running ;(

(jRAD) #2

What commands did you run?

(NhvK) #3


It started up a load screen kind of like cod/cs does when viewing a demo then just went to a score screen after a few minutes

(NhvK) #4

Theres also a test.ndm (I named the demo test) in my demos folder in userdata/numbers/numbers/local/base/demos folder aswell