Console Commands to temporarily fix fps?

(Reapter) #1

I’m easily above normal specs for the game and even running with everything on lowest in 640 resolution i’m easily in a terrible fps range at all times with graphics looking worse then hl1 even with mipmaps forced to performance. Has anyone found any console commands to help out with the fps issues till its fixed? (Such as actually turning shadows off instead of medium)

Newest drivers and everything before anyone asks. Also wheres the screenshot folder located?

(Loffy) #2

Disabling ambient occlusion in the advanced video settings menu? (Something I heard in a BRINK-related irc channel).

(Reapter) #3

I disabled everything under there at the moment. Someone on steamforums found the main file that controls graphics.

Heres a config that may help for now for those experiencing lag.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\xxxx\xxxxx\local\base\brinkconfig.cfg
Pasting this over the contents of your brinkconfig.cfg may help but make sure to make a backup.

// *********************************************************
// This file is managed by Brink and will be overwritten
// Any custom commands or bindings should be put into ‘autoexec.cfg’
// in the same folder as this file
// *********************************************************

seta image_filter “GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST”
seta image_anisotropy “-2”
seta image_lodbias “-1”
seta r_useShadowFastParallel “0”
seta r_useShadowInfinite “0”
seta r_softParticles “0”
seta r_swapInterval “.01”
seta r_gamma “1”
seta r_brightness “1”
seta r_useHBAO “0”
seta r_HBAONumSteps “0”
seta r_HBAONumDir “0”
seta r_useAntiAliasing “0”
seta r_useMotionBlur “0”
seta r_skipPrePass “1”
seta r_useDitherMask “1”
seta r_offsetunits “-1800”
seta r_shadowPolygonOffset “0”
seta r_shadowPolygonFactor “0”
seta r_shadowPolygonOffsetMT “0”
seta r_shadowPolygonFactorMT “0”
seta r_shadows “0”
seta r_useHighQualityPostProcess “0”
seta r_useShadowMaps “0”
seta r_shadowsHighQuality “0”
seta r_trisColor “1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0”
seta r_debugLineDepthTest “0”
seta r_debugLineWidth “1”
seta r_debugArrowStep “120”
seta r_useAlphaToCoverage “0”
seta r_shaderPreferALU “0”
seta r_normalizeNormalMaps “0”
seta r_shaderSkipSpecCubeMaps “1”
seta r_useThreadedRenderer “1”
seta r_renderProgramLodDistance “1000”
seta r_renderProgramLodFade “2000”
seta r_visDistMult “.8”
seta vt_lodBias “3”
seta r_inhibitEXTGPP “0”
seta s_volume_dB “0.0”
seta s_volume_VoIPActive_dB “-20.0”
seta s_subFraction “0.75”
seta s_globalFraction “1.0”
seta s_numberOfSpeakers “6”
seta s_forceNumberOfSpeakers “0”
seta s_enable_voice “1”
seta s_enable_mic “1”
seta com_machineSpec “-1”
seta com_allowConsole “1”
seta com_videoRam “2048”
seta com_useFastVidRestart “0”
seta r_multiSamples “0”
seta r_mode “9”
seta r_displayRefresh “0”
seta r_fullscreen “1”
seta r_customWidth “1280”
seta r_customHeight “800”
seta r_aspectRatio “0”
seta r_customAspectRatioH “16”
seta r_customAspectRatioV “10”
seta net_serverMaxClientRate “16000”
seta net_showMatchMaking “0”
seta net_serverVoipQuality “6”
seta net_serverVoipEnabled “1”
seta net_p2pVoipSendRate “0”
seta net_serverAllowHijacking “1”
seta win_xpos “0”
seta win_ypos “0”
seta net_socksEnabled “0”
seta net_socksServer “”
seta net_socksPort “1080”
seta net_socksUsername “”
seta net_socksPassword “”
seta m_rawInput “1”
seta in_XInputSmartConnect “1”
seta r_ccfAllowLATCCompression “0”
seta g_cheapDecalsMaxDistance “16384”
seta g_votePassPercentage “51”
seta g_minAutoVotePlayers “0”
seta testLightColor “1.0 1.0 1.0”
seta si_name “Brink Server”
seta si_maxPlayers “16”
seta si_maxTeamSize “8”
seta si_maxPlayersHuman “16”
seta si_privateClients “0”
seta si_teamDamage “0”
seta si_inhibitSpectators “0”
seta si_needPass “0”
seta si_rules “sdGameRulesCampaign”
seta si_timelimit “20”
seta si_teamForceBalance “1”
seta si_minPlayers “1”
seta si_allowLateJoin “1”
seta si_noProficiency “0”
seta si_disableGlobalChat “0”
seta si_serverURL “”
seta si_scoreLimit “30”
seta g_emptyServerRestartMap “30”
seta g_taskContextMaxAngle “30”
seta g_taskContextMinAngle “7”
seta g_taskContextMinRange “64”
seta g_taskContextMaxRange “512”
seta pm_bobFixation “1”
seta g_maxPlayerWarnings “0”
seta g_allowComplaint_charge "0"seta g_skipViewEffects “1”
seta g_allowComplaint_explosives “1”
seta g_complaintLimit “6”
seta g_complaintGUIDLimit “4”
seta g_execMapConfigs “0”
seta g_teamSwitchDelay “20”
seta g_warmupDamage “1”
seta g_muteSpecs “0”
seta g_gameReviewPause “0.75”
seta g_xpSave “1”
seta g_maxSpectateTime “0”
seta g_autoReadyPercent “80”
seta g_autoReadyWait “0.167”
seta g_bodyTypeLightColor “0.4883 0.6484 0.2773 1”
seta g_bodyTypeMediumColor “0.0000 0.2773 0.9961 1”
seta g_bodyTypeHeavyColor “0.8594 0.1367 0.0000 1”
seta g_abilitiesGlobal “”
seta g_abilitiesSoldier “”
seta g_abilitiesEngineer “”
seta g_abilitiesMedic “”
seta g_abilitiesOperative “”
seta gui_forcePlatformGUI “0”
seta g_antiLag “1”
seta g_antiLagHistory “500”
seta g_antiLagDebug “0”
seta g_antiLagDebugOffset “500”
seta g_noBotSpectate “0”
seta g_damageIndicatorSize “550”
seta net_matchMakingSearchTimeout “60”
seta net_serverListMaxResults “1000”

One thing that should bewould be a great patch change to help lower end systems would be allow r_skippostprocess 1 within multiplayer matches and solo as currently it can only be used on the charcter select. or make a button to turn post processing off.

If anyone has extra commands/tweaks to help make the game run better post here and ill add it to this config or post your own configs.