How add simple fog ?

(clavish) #1

How add simple fog ?

(DeAtHmAsTeR) #2


have u checked in ET reference first?

(clavish) #3

i add the _fog into worldspawn and it produces error

(evillair) #4

Example of the radar map fog:

In your maps worldspawn you need:

_fog : textures/radar/fog //change the texture as needed
fogclip : 3192 //change the number as needed
farplanedist : 3192 //change the number as needed

(clavish) #5

THX! :clap:

(BXpress) #6

thats the thing i dont really understand… fog has to be a texture ? :eek2:

(weasel) #7

It’s a shader. There’s no actual image.

	qer_editorimage textures/sfx/fog_grey1.tga
	surfaceparm nodraw
	surfaceparm nonsolid
	surfaceparm trans
	surfaceparm fog
	fogparms ( 0.09411 0.09803 0.12549 ) 3192

(Prophesy) #8



is not needed?

(Prophesy) #9

btw does anyone know what number (if there was one) the _blocksize for Battery was?

(tubbie) #10

from the battery.bsp

“classname” “worldspawn”
“_fog” “textures/skies/sd_batteryfog”
“mapcoordsmaxs” “7296 -6400”
“mapcoordsmins” “-768 1664”
“_color” “0.8 0.9 1.0”
“gridsize” “256 256 128”
“_blocksize” “1024”
“ambient” “18”
“_minvertexlight” “18”
“_mingridlight” “56”

(SoulRebel) #11

from the battery.bsp
“gridsize” “256 256 128”
“_minvertexlight” “18”
“_mingridlight” “56”[/quote]


question: what do these entities: gridsize, _minvertexlight, _mingridlight

(SCDS_reyalP) #12

gridsize is the resolution of the light grid. The ligth grid is used to light moving models, mostly players. AFAIK, the lightgrid is always a rectangular block, defined by the extents of your level, or a brush with the lightgrid shader on it. There is a limit to the amount of light grid data that can be in a .bsp file (8MB if I remember right.) So if your map is too big, you need a lower resolution light grid. q3map2 should do this for you automatically, so there is actually no reason to set it.

_minvertexlight sets the minimum light value of a vertex lit surface. I assume _mingridlight does the same thing, but for the lightgrid. There is also _minlight, which sets the minimum value for lightmapped surfaces. This is sort of light ambient, but not quite.

(SoulRebel) #13

when i placed all single light entities i do not need this stuff, right?

(SCDS_reyalP) #14

No, you don’t need to use any of them. They are for fine tuning various aspects of your lighting.