forum switch

(Wraith) #1

Long time lurker and finally decided to join. Anyone whose been on the Bethesda Brink forums will recognize me as a fairly active person on that forum. Sadly I have found the quality of discussion lacking recently so I have hopped over here to see what the diehard SD lovers have to stay. Also its best since most of the dev’s are here too.

(light_sh4v0r) #2

Welcome :slight_smile:

(Nail) #3

welcome to TapirLand

(Kl3ppy) #4

The discussions are constructive till he moment light_sh4v0r enters the discussion. Then only random off topic stuff is getting posted :stuck_out_tongue:

(Wraith) #5

I will keep that in mind.

(light_sh4v0r) #6

Yes, in this case your topic didn’t stand a ‘chance’ with the first post being mine :slight_smile:

(Wraith) #7

Oh well its not exactly the most informative topic anyway.:penguin:

(Nikto) #8

the message that you have arrived seems to be dire information though. it is something that should even be stickied, so people would beware and watch what they say:tongue:

(Wraith) #9

Indeed. I don’t want to go around Wraithing people.