select entity number?

(-IronMonkey-) #1

hoy :slight_smile:

mmm when i compile the map the debug window appears…
and i can read “Entity 534: degenerated bla bla bla bla”
so if i double click over that line, the entity isn’t selected…with the brush clean up i cannot solve my problem.

now the question is :
“where is the entity n°534?”
“how can i select entity by number?”
“where can i see the entity associated number?”

thx for help :smiley:

(Flippy) #2

Try opening your .map file in Notepad, it probably lists the entities with their numbers there.

(Qualmi) #3

you can also find it in radiant under misc/findbrush.

(-IronMonkey-) #4

ohhh yeah
didn’t know that
catched and solved in 30 seconds

thumb up and thanks :smiley:

(IndyJones) #5

as far i remember misc/find brush.