Tutorial Mapscripting .pdf + mapfiles

(Qualmi) #1

Tutorial Mapscripting for W:ET

I hope noone bothers that i made another tutorial about mapscripting. I mainly translated this from my about 6 months old MapTut in my language and shortened it. Maybe some noobie :slight_smile: could use it.

Shortened Version. This Tutorial will teach you the very basics of W:ET Mapscripting. It is a beginners guide, quick to read, and comes along with example maps. You will learn how to start a script, how to handle Mapevents and much more.

(Nail) #2


(Pegazus) #3

Nice to see that tutorials are still beeing written :wink:

(Pande) #4

ONE gripe… title should be ‘Mapscripting Tutorial’ not the other way round. lul.

But hey this is great, and I’ll probably use it when I get to that point in a map. :slight_smile: Thanks!

(Qualmi) #5

no problem. i hope everythings works fine, since the maps are done with radiant 1.4. bugreports, if they are serious ones, just put them here. thx :slight_smile:

(twt_thunder) #6

thank u :smiley:

(shagileo) #7

Tutorials are always welcome, thanks !