help Frustrated noob

(Macuiare) #1

Hey guys! this is the 20th time Ive followed the 2bit tutorial on making constructable things etc, and I get that fine but soon as I have to add another constructable on the map I get confused, ive looked at oasis, goldrush and still dont get it, could someone please make me a prefab of just a simple platform with a constructable wall on one side and a constructable wall on the other side or something, with the scripts Id very much appreciate it

(th0rn3) #2

You wont understand much from prefabs. Can you please describe your actual problem.
Also your map must have a script_multiplayer for scripts to work. Also make sure that your .script file is in the maps folder

(Pegazus) #3

I checked your map, i thought I fixed it.
Btw, you could have posted this to the other thread too :slight_smile: