ET crashing on loadup of custom map.

(Diego) #1

Lately whenever I load my map it crashes ET. I’ve been porting over from Rail Gun a couple of Cranes and 1 of the Rail Tugs. Everything was working fine. I was just re-positioning my spline points a little better when the crashing started.

I had this same problem earlier with some of the crane entities, but that appeared to be a problem with the func_beam. Anyway, I had the train and the cranes working fine, I was just getting the paths cleaned up and origins for the train placed a little better.

Here is a copy of my etconsole.log. I’ve never looked at one of these before so maybe someone here can spot why the game is getting shut down on me.

logfile opened on Thu Dec 11 02:09:24 2008

...detecting CPU, found AMD w/ 3DNow!
Bypassing CD checks
----- Client Initialization -----
----- Initializing Renderer ----
----- Client Initialization Complete -----
----- R_Init -----
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\opengl32.dll' ): succeeded
...setting mode 4: 800 600 FS
...using desktop display depth of 32
...calling CDS: ok
...registered window class
...created window@0,0 (800x600)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...GLW_ChoosePFD( 32, 24, 0 )
...95 PFDs found
...hardware acceleration found
...PIXELFORMAT 2 selected
...creating GL context: succeeded
...making context current: succeeded
Initializing OpenGL extensions
...using GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
...using GL_EXT_texture_env_add
...using WGL_EXT_swap_control
...using GL_ARB_multitexture
...using GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
...WGL_3DFX_gamma_control not found
...GL_NV_fog_distance not found
...ignoring GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic

GL_VENDOR: ATI Technologies Inc.
GL_VERSION: 2.1.7659 Release
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shadow_ambient GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap GL_ATI_fragment_shader GL_ATI_meminfo GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texgen_reflection GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control 

PIXELFORMAT: color(32-bits) Z(24-bit) stencil(8-bits)
MODE: 4, 800 x 600 fullscreen hz:75
GAMMA: hardware w/ 0 overbright bits
CPU: AMD w/ 3DNow!
rendering primitives: single glDrawElements
picmip: 0
texture bits: 0
multitexture: enabled
compiled vertex arrays: enabled
texenv add: enabled
compressed textures: enabled
anisotropy: 1.0
NV distance fog: disabled
Initializing Shaders
----- finished R_Init -----

------- sound initialization -------
Initializing DirectSound
locked hardware.  ok
----- Sound Info -----
sound system is muted
    1 stereo
32768 samples
   16 samplebits
    1 submission_chunk
22050 speed
0x0CD28060 dma buffer
No background file.
Sound memory manager started
--- Common Initialization Complete ---
Winsock Initialized
Opening IP socket: localhost:27960
Hostname: galactica
Working directory: E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1
^5PunkBuster Client: PunkBuster Client (v1.152 | A0) Enabled
^5PunkBuster Client: Game Version [ET 2.60 win-x86 Mar 10 2005]
^5PunkBuster Client: Not Connected to a Server
Resolving resolved to
]\exec maptester.cfg
execing maptester.cfg
g_gametype will be changed upon restarting.
]\map praetoria_two
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: praetoria_two
RE_Shutdown( 0 )
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok

MAIN log
375780 MAIN memory in 303 blocks
369720 MAIN memory overhead

63872 SMALL memory in 1591 blocks
32052 SMALL memory overhead
Current search path:
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\zp_r1_tiger2.pk3 (86 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\vesuvius_b1.pk3 (140 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\Tank_Test.pk3 (42 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\rtcw_ent_in_et_beta2.pk3 (113 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\pyramid.pk3 (101 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\ProvingGrounds.pk3 (57 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\praetoria.pk3 (538 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\passing_airplanes.pk3 (20 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\pak2.pk3 (22 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\pak1.pk3 (10 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\pak0.pk3 (3725 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\mp_bin.pk3 (6 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\mapmedia.pk3 (10 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\lights.pk3 (51 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\common.pk3 (43 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\astro-skies.pk3 (11 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\15_EB_using_paths.pk3 (19 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\14_EB_triple_construct.pk3 (33 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\13_EB_tris_fps_vis.pk3 (82 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\12_EB_obj_101.pk3 (23 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\11_EB_spawn_exchange.pk3 (20 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\10_EB_info_limbo_cameras.pk3 (30 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\09_EB_construct.pk3 (25 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\08_EB_brush_manipulation.pk3 (23 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\07_EB_textures_common.pk3 (28 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\06_EB_func_map.pk3 (36 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\05_EB_models_101.pk3 (25 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\04_EB_texture_manipulation.pk3 (21 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\03_EB_after_beginner_tutorial.pk3 (36 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\02_EB_1st_room_lights_doors.pk3 (20 files)
E:\LEVEL_~1\_Games\ENEMY_~1\etmain\01_EB_1st_room.pk3 (21 files)

handle 1: etconsole.log
10834 files in pk3 files
------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: etmain
gamedate: Mar 10 2005
Gametype changed, clearing session data.
Enable spawning!
0 : (tank1) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1) GScript command: accum 0 set 0
0 : (tank1) GScript command: accum 1 set 0
0 : (tank1) GScript command: accum 1 bitreset 0
0 : (tank1) GScript command: accum 1 bitreset 1
0 : (tank1) GScript command: accum 1 bitreset 2
0 : (tank1) GScript command: accum 1 bitreset 3
0 : (tank1) GScript command: accum 4 bitreset 0
0 : (tank1) GScript command: accum 4 bitreset 1
0 : (tank1) GScript command: accum 4 bitreset 2
0 : (tank1) GScript command: accum 4 bitreset 3
0 : (tank1) GScript command: accum 4 bitreset 4
0 : (tank1) GScript command: accum 3 set 0
0 : (tank1) GScript command: accum 9 set 0
0 : (tank1) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_turret) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1_turret) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_enabler_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1_enabler_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_toi) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1_toi) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_construct) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1_construct) GScript command: constructible_class 2
0 : (tank1_enabler) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1_disabler) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1_timer) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1_kill) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1_smoke) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1_smoke) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_sound) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1_flash) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1_flash) GScript command: wait 200
0 : (south_ammocabinet) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (south_healthcabinet) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (south_trigger_ammo) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (south_trigger_heal) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (south_ammocabinet_clip) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (south_healthcabinet_clip) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (south_hacabinet_toi) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (south_hacabinet_cm_marker) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (south_hacabinet_toi) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (game_manager) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: remapshader models/mapobjects/tanks_sd/mg42turret textures/praetoria/models/tank_remap/mgturret
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: remapshader models/mapobjects/tanks_sd/churchill_flat textures/praetoria/models/tank_remap/body
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: remapshaderflush 
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_axis_respawntime 1
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_allied_respawntime 1
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_number_of_objectives 7
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_set_round_timelimit 15
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: accum 1 set 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: globalaccum 5 set 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: globalaccum 6 set 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_set_main_objective 1 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_set_main_objective 1 1
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_objective_status 1 1 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_objective_status 1 0 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_objective_status 2 1 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_objective_status 2 0 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_objective_status 3 1 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_objective_status 3 0 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_objective_status 4 1 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_objective_status 4 0 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_objective_status 5 1 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_objective_status 5 0 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_objective_status 6 1 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_objective_status 6 0 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_objective_status 7 1 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_objective_status 7 0 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_set_defending_team 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wm_setwinner 0
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wait 150
0 : (radar_doors) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (generator_turbines) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (generator_electrics) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (gen_kill) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (radar_lightning_light) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (pump1_p1) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (pump1_p2) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (target_01) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (target_01) GScript command: accum 0 bitset 0
0 : (target_01_static) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (target_01_static) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_explo) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1_explo) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_fx) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1_fx) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_smoke2) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1_smoke2) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_firehurt) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1_firehurt) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_fire) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1_fire) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (at_gun) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (at_gun) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (at_gun) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (at_gun) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (at_gun) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (at_gun) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (at_gun_smoke2) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (at_gun_smoke2) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (at_gun_toi) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (at_gun_toi) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (at_gun_fx) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (at_gun_flash) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (at_gun_flash) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (repair_door) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (repair_door) GScript command: accum 1 set 0
0 : (repair_door) GScript command: accum 2 set 1
0 : (repair_door_zone) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (repair_door_zone) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (repair_door_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (repair_door_switch) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (at_gun) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (at_gun) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (msg_01_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (msg_01_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (repair_lock_switch) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (repair_lock) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (repair_lock_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (repair_lock_trigger) GScript command: accum 1 set 0
0 : (repair_lock_trigger) GScript command: accum 2 set 3
0 : (repair_lock_trigger) GScript command: setstate repair_lock invisible
0 : (msg_02_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (msg_02_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (autofire_on) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (autofire_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (manfire_on) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (manfire_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (autofire_off) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (autofire_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (at_gun_smoke) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (at_gun_smoke) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (cov_sw_off) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (cov_sw_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (med_sw_off) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (med_sw_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fop_pad_off) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (sol_sw_off) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (sol_sw_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (eng_sw_off) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (eng_sw_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (cov_up_off) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (cov_up_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (med_up_off) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (med_up_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fop_up_off) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (fop_up_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (sol_up_off) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (sol_up_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (eng_up_off) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (eng_up_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (cov_up_on) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (cov_up_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (med_up_on) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (med_up_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fop_up_on) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (fop_up_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (sol_up_on) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (sol_up_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (eng_up_on) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (eng_up_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (cov_sw_on) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (cov_sw_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (med_sw_on) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (med_sw_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (sol_sw_on) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (sol_sw_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (eng_sw_on) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (eng_sw_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fop_sw_off) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (fop_sw_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fop_sw_on) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (fop_sw_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (at_gun_target) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (at_gun_target) GScript command: wait 200
0 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: wait 200
0 : (manfire_off) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (manfire_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (manfire_on) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (manfire_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (autofire_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (autofire_trigger) GScript command: accum 1 set 0
0 : (tank_healthtrgr) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank_healthtrgr) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank_healthclip) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank_healthclip) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank_ammotrgr) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank_ammotrgr) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank_ammoclip) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank_ammoclip) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (cov_sw_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (cov_sw_trigger) GScript command: accum 1 set 0
0 : (cov_sw_trigger) GScript command: accum 2 set 0
0 : (cov_sw_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (med_sw_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (med_sw_trigger) GScript command: accum 1 set 0
0 : (med_sw_trigger) GScript command: accum 2 set 0
0 : (med_sw_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fop_sw_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (fop_sw_trigger) GScript command: accum 1 set 0
0 : (fop_sw_trigger) GScript command: accum 2 set 0
0 : (fop_sw_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (sol_sw_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (sol_sw_trigger) GScript command: accum 1 set 0
0 : (sol_sw_trigger) GScript command: accum 2 set 0
0 : (sol_sw_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (eng_sw_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (eng_sw_trigger) GScript command: accum 1 set 0
0 : (eng_sw_trigger) GScript command: accum 2 set 0
0 : (eng_sw_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (cov_msg_1_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (cov_msg_1_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (med_msg_1_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (med_msg_1_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fop_msg_1_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (fop_msg_1_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (sol_msg_1_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (sol_msg_1_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (eng_msg_1_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (eng_msg_1_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (start_up_pad) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (start_up_pad) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (cov_up_pad) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (cov_up_pad) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (med_up_pad) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (med_up_pad) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fop_up_pad) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (fop_up_pad) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (sol_up_pad) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (sol_up_pad) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (eng_up_pad) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (eng_up_pad) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (up_door_L) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (up_door_L) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (up_door_R) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (up_door_R) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (cov_up_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (cov_up_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (upgrade_control) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (upgrade_control) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (med_up_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (med_up_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fop_up_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (fop_up_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (sol_up_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (sol_up_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (eng_up_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (eng_up_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (repair_light_off) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (repair_light_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (repair_light_on) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (repair_light_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fire_light_off) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (fire_light_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fire_light_on) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (fire_light_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fire_ext_smoke) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (fire_ext_smoke) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1_firelight) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank1_firelight) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (up_platform_marker) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank_radio) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank_radio) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank_panzer) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank_panzer) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (manfire_off) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (manfire_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (manfire_on) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (manfire_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (target_02) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (target_02) GScript command: accum 0 bitset 0
0 : (target_03) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (target_03) GScript command: accum 0 bitset 0
0 : (target_03_static) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (target_03_static) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (vo_manager) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank_corona) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank_corona) GScript command: wait 1000
0 : (tank_panzer_flash) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank_panzer_flash) GScript command: wait 1000
0 : (tank_panzer_fx_1) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank_panzer_fx_2) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank_panzer_fx_3) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank_panzer_killer) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank_panzer_killer) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank_panzer_fx_4) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank_panzer_fx_5) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tank_panzer_fx_6) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (depot_rt) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (north_depot_def) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier1) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier1) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier1) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier1) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier2) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier2) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier2) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier2) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (gate_north) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (gate_north) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (gate_south) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (gate_south) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (neutral_compost_toi) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (allied_compost_built) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (allied_compost_built) GScript command: wait 400
0 : (axis_compost_built) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (axis_compost_built) GScript command: wait 400
0 : (axis_compost_built_model) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (axis_compost_built_model) GScript command: wait 400
0 : (allied_compost_built_model) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (allied_compost_built_model) GScript command: wait 400
0 : (neutral_compost_clip) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (neutral_compost_closed_clip) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (neutral_compost_closed_model) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (tankbay_commandpost_wires) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (autofire_on) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (autofire_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (autofire_off) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (autofire_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (north_depot_def) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (north_depot_def) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (gun_controls) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (gun_controls) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (gun_controls) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (gun_controls) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (gun_controls_smoke) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (turret_repair) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (turret_repair) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (arc_welder) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (arc_welder) GScript command: wait 200
0 : (arc_beam) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (arc_beam) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (hint_arrow_blue) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (hint_arrow_blue) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (hint_arrow_red) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (hint_arrow_red) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (hint_arrow_green) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (hint_arrow_green) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (gibber) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (crane2_controller) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (crane2_hook) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (crane2) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (crane_sound2) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (crane2_box) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (crane_controller) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (crane_controller) GScript command: accum 1 set 0
0 : (crane_sound) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (crane_box) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (crane_hook) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (crane) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (train1_enabler_axis) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (train1_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (train1_trigger) GScript command: wait 200
0 : (train1_sound) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (train1_enabler_allies) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (train1_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (train1_trigger) GScript command: wait 200
0 : (train1_controller) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (train1_trigger) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (train1_trigger) GScript command: wait 200
0 : (tank_construct) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (train1) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (train1) GScript command: accum 0 set 0
0 : (train1) GScript command: accum 2 set 0
0 : (train1) GScript command: accum 3 set -72
0 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 set 0
0 : (train1) GScript command: accum 5 set 0
0 : (train1) GScript command: accum 6 set 0
0 : (train1) GScript command: wait 200
0 : (train1_back) GScript event: spawn 
0 : (train1_back) GScript command: wait 200
Disable spawning!
19 teams with 40 entities
Setting MOTD...
0 : (tank1) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_turret) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_enabler_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_toi) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_smoke) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_flash) GScript command: wait 200
0 : (game_manager) GScript command: wait 150
0 : (target_01_static) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_explo) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_fx) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_smoke2) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_firehurt) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_fire) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (at_gun) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (at_gun) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (at_gun) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (at_gun_smoke2) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (at_gun_toi) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (at_gun_flash) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (repair_door_zone) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (at_gun) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (msg_01_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (msg_02_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (autofire_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (manfire_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (autofire_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (at_gun_smoke) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (cov_sw_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (med_sw_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (sol_sw_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (eng_sw_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (cov_up_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (med_up_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fop_up_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (sol_up_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (eng_up_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (cov_up_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (med_up_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fop_up_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (sol_up_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (eng_up_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (cov_sw_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (med_sw_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (sol_sw_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (eng_sw_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fop_sw_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fop_sw_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (at_gun_target) GScript command: wait 200
0 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: wait 200
0 : (manfire_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (manfire_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank_healthtrgr) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank_healthclip) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank_ammotrgr) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank_ammoclip) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (cov_sw_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (med_sw_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fop_sw_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (sol_sw_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (eng_sw_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (cov_msg_1_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (med_msg_1_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fop_msg_1_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (sol_msg_1_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (eng_msg_1_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (start_up_pad) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (cov_up_pad) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (med_up_pad) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fop_up_pad) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (sol_up_pad) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (eng_up_pad) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (up_door_L) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (up_door_R) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (cov_up_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (upgrade_control) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (med_up_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fop_up_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (sol_up_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (eng_up_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (repair_light_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (repair_light_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fire_light_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (fire_light_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank1_firelight) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank_radio) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank_panzer) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (manfire_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (manfire_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (target_03_static) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (tank_corona) GScript command: wait 1000
0 : (tank_panzer_flash) GScript command: wait 1000
0 : (tank_panzer_killer) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier1) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier1) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier2) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier2) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (gate_north) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (gate_south) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (allied_compost_built) GScript command: wait 400
0 : (axis_compost_built) GScript command: wait 400
0 : (axis_compost_built_model) GScript command: wait 400
0 : (allied_compost_built_model) GScript command: wait 400
0 : (autofire_on) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (autofire_off) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (gun_controls) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (gun_controls) GScript command: wait 50
0 : (turret_repair) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (arc_welder) GScript command: wait 200
0 : (arc_beam) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (hint_arrow_blue) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (hint_arrow_red) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (hint_arrow_green) GScript command: wait 100
0 : (train1_trigger) GScript command: wait 200
0 : (train1_trigger) GScript command: wait 200
0 : (train1_trigger) GScript command: wait 200
0 : (train1) GScript command: wait 200
0 : (train1_back) GScript command: wait 200
100 : (tank1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
100 : (tank1_disabler) GScript command: trigger tank1 timer
100 : (tank1) GScript event: trigger timer
100 : (tank1) GScript command: accum 3 inc 1
100 : (tank1) GScript command: accum 3 abort_if_less_than 4
entity 109 already in desired state [0]
entity 110 already in desired state [0]
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: constructible_class 3
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: setstate at_gun_dead invisible
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: setstate at_gun_dead_model invisible
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: setstate at_gun default
entity 198 already in desired state [0]
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: setstate at_gun_model default
entity 199 already in desired state [0]
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: constructible_class 3
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: setstate at_gun_dead invisible
entity 214 already in desired state [1]
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: setstate at_gun_dead_model invisible
entity 200 already in desired state [1]
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: setstate at_gun default
entity 198 already in desired state [0]
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: setstate at_gun_model default
entity 199 already in desired state [0]
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: constructible_class 3
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: setstate at_gun_dead invisible
entity 214 already in desired state [1]
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: setstate at_gun_dead_model invisible
entity 200 already in desired state [1]
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: setstate at_gun default
entity 198 already in desired state [0]
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: setstate at_gun_model default
entity 199 already in desired state [0]
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: constructible_class 3
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: setstate at_gun_dead invisible
entity 214 already in desired state [1]
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: setstate at_gun_dead_model invisible
entity 200 already in desired state [1]
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: setstate at_gun default
entity 198 already in desired state [0]
100 : (at_gun) GScript command: setstate at_gun_model default
entity 199 already in desired state [0]
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier1) GScript command: trigger self setup
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier1) GScript event: trigger setup
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier1) GScript command: setstate axis_construct_Tankbarrier1_materials default
entity 371 already in desired state [0]
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier1) GScript command: setstate axis_construct_Tankbarrier1_flag default
entity 370 already in desired state [0]
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier1) GScript command: constructible_class 2
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier1) GScript command: trigger self setup
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier1) GScript event: trigger setup
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier1) GScript command: setstate axis_construct_Tankbarrier1_materials default
entity 371 already in desired state [0]
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier1) GScript command: setstate axis_construct_Tankbarrier1_flag default
entity 370 already in desired state [0]
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier1) GScript command: constructible_class 2
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier2) GScript command: trigger self setup
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier2) GScript event: trigger setup
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier2) GScript command: setstate axis_construct_Tankbarrier2_materials default
entity 376 already in desired state [0]
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier2) GScript command: setstate axis_construct_Tankbarrier2_flag default
entity 375 already in desired state [0]
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier2) GScript command: constructible_class 2
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier2) GScript command: trigger self setup
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier2) GScript event: trigger setup
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier2) GScript command: setstate axis_construct_Tankbarrier2_materials default
entity 376 already in desired state [0]
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier2) GScript command: setstate axis_construct_Tankbarrier2_flag default
entity 375 already in desired state [0]
100 : (axis_construct_Tankbarrier2) GScript command: constructible_class 2
100 : (gun_controls) GScript command: accum 1 set 0
100 : (gun_controls) GScript command: trigger self setup
100 : (gun_controls) GScript event: trigger setup
100 : (gun_controls) GScript command: setstate gun_controls_materials invisible
100 : (gun_controls) GScript command: setstate gun_controls_flag invisible
100 : (gun_controls) GScript command: setstate gun_controls default
entity 403 already in desired state [0]
100 : (gun_controls) GScript command: setstate gun_cntrl_reloading invisible
100 : (gun_controls) GScript command: setstate gun_cntrl_fire default
entity 434 already in desired state [0]
100 : (gun_controls) GScript command: setstate gun_cntrl_misfire invisible
100 : (gun_controls) GScript command: constructible_class 2
100 : (gun_controls) GScript command: accum 1 set 0
100 : (gun_controls) GScript command: trigger self setup
100 : (gun_controls) GScript event: trigger setup
100 : (gun_controls) GScript command: setstate gun_controls_materials invisible
entity 406 already in desired state [1]
100 : (gun_controls) GScript command: setstate gun_controls_flag invisible
entity 405 already in desired state [1]
100 : (gun_controls) GScript command: setstate gun_controls default
entity 403 already in desired state [0]
100 : (gun_controls) GScript command: setstate gun_cntrl_reloading invisible
entity 436 already in desired state [1]
100 : (gun_controls) GScript command: setstate gun_cntrl_fire default
entity 434 already in desired state [0]
100 : (gun_controls) GScript command: setstate gun_cntrl_misfire invisible
entity 435 already in desired state [1]
100 : (gun_controls) GScript command: constructible_class 2
100 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
100 : (train1_disabler) GScript command: trigger train1 train_disable
100 : (train1) GScript event: trigger train_disable
100 : (train1) GScript command: accum 1 set 1
100 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 trigger_if_equal 0 train1 sound_idle
100 : (train1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
100 : (train1) GScript command: stopsound 
100 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
200 : (tank1) GScript command: followspline 0 wp_000 10000
200 : (tank1) GScript command: accum 2 set 1
200 : (tank1) GScript command: trigger self sound_idle
200 : (tank1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
200 : (tank1) GScript command: stopsound 
200 : (tank1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tank/tank_idle.wav looping volume 512
200 : (tank1) GScript command: trigger self anim_tracks_stop
200 : (tank1) GScript event: trigger anim_tracks_stop
200 : (tank1) GScript command: remapshader models/mapobjects/tanks_sd/bits_r textures/praetoria/models/tank_remap/tracks_r2
200 : (tank1) GScript command: remapshader models/mapobjects/tanks_sd/wheel_r models/mapobjects/tanks_sd/wheel_r
200 : (tank1) GScript command: remapshader models/mapobjects/tanks_sd/bits_l textures/praetoria/models/tank_remap/tracks_l2
200 : (tank1) GScript command: remapshader models/mapobjects/tanks_sd/wheel_l models/mapobjects/tanks_sd/wheel_l
200 : (tank1) GScript command: remapshaderflush 
200 : (tank1) GScript command: setstate tank1_smoke invisible
200 : (tank1_turret) GScript command: attachtotag tank1 tag_turret
200 : (tank1_enabler_trigger) GScript command: attachtotag tank1 tag_turret
200 : (tank1_toi) GScript command: attachtotag tank1 tag_turret
200 : (tank1_smoke) GScript command: attachtotag tank1 tag_turret
200 : (tank1_smoke) GScript command: alertentity tank1_smoke
200 : (game_manager) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 0 soldier 0
200 : (game_manager) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 0 medic 0
200 : (game_manager) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 0 engineer 0
200 : (game_manager) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 0 fieldops 0
200 : (game_manager) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 0 covertops 0
200 : (game_manager) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 1 soldier 0
200 : (game_manager) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 1 medic 0
200 : (game_manager) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 1 engineer 0
200 : (game_manager) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 1 fieldops 0
200 : (game_manager) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 1 covertops 0
200 : (game_manager) GScript command: wait 2000
200 : (target_01_static) GScript command: setstate target_01_static invisible
200 : (tank1_explo) GScript command: attachtotag tank1 tag_turret
200 : (tank1_fx) GScript command: attachtotag tank1 tag_turret
200 : (tank1_smoke2) GScript command: attachtotag tank1 tag_turret
200 : (tank1_smoke2) GScript command: alertentity tank1_smoke2
200 : (tank1_firehurt) GScript command: setstate tank1_firehurt invisible
200 : (tank1_firehurt) GScript command: attachtotag tank1 tag_turret
200 : (tank1_fire) GScript command: setstate tank1_fire invisible
200 : (tank1_fire) GScript command: attachtotag tank1 tag_turret
200 : (at_gun_toi) GScript command: setstate at_gun_toi default
entity 202 already in desired state [0]
200 : (at_gun_flash) GScript command: setstate at_gun_flash invisible
200 : (msg_01_trigger) GScript command: setstate msg_01_trigger default
entity 217 already in desired state [0]
200 : (msg_02_trigger) GScript command: setstate msg_02_trigger invisible
200 : (autofire_on) GScript command: setstate autofire_on default
entity 224 already in desired state [0]
entity 399 already in desired state [0]
200 : (manfire_on) GScript command: setstate manfire_on invisible
200 : (autofire_off) GScript command: setstate autofire_off invisible
200 : (cov_sw_off) GScript command: setstate cov_sw_off default
entity 228 already in desired state [0]
200 : (med_sw_off) GScript command: setstate med_sw_off default
entity 229 already in desired state [0]
200 : (sol_sw_off) GScript command: setstate sol_sw_off default
entity 231 already in desired state [0]
200 : (eng_sw_off) GScript command: setstate eng_sw_off default
entity 232 already in desired state [0]
200 : (cov_up_off) GScript command: setstate cov_up_off default
entity 233 already in desired state [0]
200 : (med_up_off) GScript command: setstate med_up_off default
entity 234 already in desired state [0]
200 : (fop_up_off) GScript command: setstate fop_up_off default
entity 235 already in desired state [0]
200 : (sol_up_off) GScript command: setstate sol_up_off default
entity 236 already in desired state [0]
200 : (eng_up_off) GScript command: setstate eng_up_off default
entity 237 already in desired state [0]
200 : (cov_up_on) GScript command: setstate cov_up_on invisible
200 : (med_up_on) GScript command: setstate med_up_on invisible
200 : (fop_up_on) GScript command: setstate fop_up_on invisible
200 : (sol_up_on) GScript command: setstate sol_up_on invisible
200 : (eng_up_on) GScript command: setstate eng_up_on invisible
200 : (cov_sw_on) GScript command: setstate cov_sw_on invisible
200 : (med_sw_on) GScript command: setstate med_sw_on invisible
200 : (sol_sw_on) GScript command: setstate sol_sw_on invisible
200 : (eng_sw_on) GScript command: setstate eng_sw_on invisible
200 : (fop_sw_off) GScript command: setstate fop_sw_off default
entity 247 already in desired state [0]
200 : (fop_sw_on) GScript command: setstate fop_sw_on invisible
200 : (manfire_off) GScript command: setstate manfire_off default
entity 251 already in desired state [0]
entity 306 already in desired state [0]
200 : (manfire_on) GScript command: setstate manfire_on invisible
entity 225 already in desired state [1]
entity 252 already in desired state [1]
entity 307 already in desired state [1]
200 : (tank_healthtrgr) GScript command: attachtotag tank1 tag_turret
200 : (tank_healthtrgr) GScript command: setstate tank_healthtrgr invisible
200 : (tank_healthclip) GScript command: attachtotag tank1 tag_turret
200 : (tank_healthclip) GScript command: setstate tank_healthclip invisible
200 : (tank_ammotrgr) GScript command: attachtotag tank1 tag_turret
200 : (tank_ammotrgr) GScript command: setstate tank_ammotrgr invisible
200 : (tank_ammoclip) GScript command: attachtotag tank1 tag_turret
200 : (tank_ammoclip) GScript command: setstate tank_ammoclip invisible
200 : (cov_sw_trigger) GScript command: setstate cov_sw_trigger invisible
200 : (med_sw_trigger) GScript command: setstate med_sw_trigger invisible
200 : (fop_sw_trigger) GScript command: setstate fop_sw_trigger invisible
200 : (sol_sw_trigger) GScript command: setstate sol_sw_trigger invisible
200 : (eng_sw_trigger) GScript command: setstate eng_sw_trigger invisible
200 : (cov_msg_1_trigger) GScript command: setstate cov_msg_1_trigger invisible
200 : (med_msg_1_trigger) GScript command: setstate med_msg_1_trigger invisible
200 : (fop_msg_1_trigger) GScript command: setstate fop_msg_1_trigger invisible
200 : (sol_msg_1_trigger) GScript command: setstate sol_msg_1_trigger invisible
200 : (eng_msg_1_trigger) GScript command: setstate eng_msg_1_trigger invisible
200 : (start_up_pad) GScript command: gotomarker up_platform_marker 500000
200 : (start_up_pad) GScript command: wait 100
200 : (cov_up_pad) GScript command: gotomarker up_platform_marker 500000
200 : (cov_up_pad) GScript command: wait 100
200 : (med_up_pad) GScript command: gotomarker up_platform_marker 500000
200 : (med_up_pad) GScript command: wait 100
200 : (fop_up_pad) GScript command: gotomarker up_platform_marker 500000
200 : (fop_up_pad) GScript command: wait 100
200 : (sol_up_pad) GScript command: gotomarker up_platform_marker 500000
200 : (sol_up_pad) GScript command: wait 100
200 : (eng_up_pad) GScript command: gotomarker up_platform_marker 500000
200 : (eng_up_pad) GScript command: wait 100
200 : (cov_up_trigger) GScript command: setstate cov_up_trigger invisible
200 : (upgrade_control) GScript command: accum 1 set 0
200 : (upgrade_control) GScript command: accum 2 set 0
200 : (upgrade_control) GScript command: accum 3 set 0
200 : (med_up_trigger) GScript command: setstate med_up_trigger invisible
200 : (fop_up_trigger) GScript command: setstate fop_up_trigger invisible
200 : (sol_up_trigger) GScript command: setstate sol_up_trigger invisible
200 : (eng_up_trigger) GScript command: setstate eng_up_trigger invisible
200 : (repair_light_off) GScript command: setstate repair_light_off default
entity 296 already in desired state [0]
200 : (repair_light_on) GScript command: setstate repair_light_on invisible
200 : (fire_light_off) GScript command: setstate fire_light_off default
entity 298 already in desired state [0]
200 : (fire_light_on) GScript command: setstate fire_light_on invisible
200 : (tank1_firelight) GScript command: attachtotag tank1 tag_turret
200 : (tank_radio) GScript command: attachtotag tank1 tag_turret
200 : (tank_radio) GScript command: setstate tank_radio invisible
200 : (tank_panzer) GScript command: accum 1 set 0
200 : (tank_panzer) GScript command: accum 2 set 1
200 : (tank_panzer) GScript command: attachtotag tank1 tag_turret
200 : (tank_panzer) GScript command: setstate tank_panzer invisible
200 : (manfire_off) GScript command: setstate manfire_off default
entity 251 already in desired state [0]
entity 306 already in desired state [0]
200 : (manfire_on) GScript command: setstate manfire_on invisible
entity 225 already in desired state [1]
entity 252 already in desired state [1]
entity 307 already in desired state [1]
200 : (target_03_static) GScript command: setstate target_03_static invisible
200 : (tank_panzer_killer) GScript command: attachtotag tank1 tag_turret
200 : (tank_panzer_killer) GScript command: setstate tank_panzer_killer invisible
200 : (autofire_on) GScript command: setstate autofire_on default
entity 224 already in desired state [0]
entity 399 already in desired state [0]
200 : (autofire_off) GScript command: setstate autofire_off invisible
entity 226 already in desired state [1]
entity 400 already in desired state [1]
200 : (arc_beam) GScript command: setstate arc_beam invisible
200 : (arc_beam) GScript command: setstate arc_beam_gibber invisible
200 : (arc_beam) GScript command: stopsound 
200 : (hint_arrow_blue) GScript command: gotomarker hint_base 50000 wait
200 : (hint_arrow_red) GScript command: gotomarker hint_base 50000 wait
200 : (hint_arrow_green) GScript command: gotomarker hint_base 50000 wait
200 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
200 : (train1_disabler) GScript command: trigger train1 train_disable
200 : (train1) GScript event: trigger train_disable
200 : (train1) GScript command: accum 1 set 1
200 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 trigger_if_equal 0 train1 sound_idle
200 : (train1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
200 : (train1) GScript command: stopsound 
200 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
300 : (tank1_flash) GScript command: attachtotag tank1_turret tag_flash
300 : (tank1_flash) GScript command: setstate tank1_flash invisible
300 : (at_gun_target) GScript command: accum 1 set 0
300 : (at_gun_target) GScript command: accum 2 set 0
300 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: accum 1 set 0
300 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: accum 2 set 0
300 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: accum 3 set 1
300 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: accum 4 set 0
300 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: accum 5 set 0
300 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: trigger self enabled
300 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript event: trigger enabled
300 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: wait 50
300 : (arc_welder) GScript command: accum 1 set 0
300 : (arc_welder) GScript command: accum 2 set 0
300 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
300 : (train1_disabler) GScript command: trigger train1 train_disable
300 : (train1) GScript event: trigger train_disable
300 : (train1) GScript command: accum 1 set 1
300 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 trigger_if_equal 0 train1 sound_idle
300 : (train1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
300 : (train1) GScript command: stopsound 
300 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
300 : (train1_trigger) GScript command: followspline globalaccum 0 spln67 200 wait length 224
300 : (train1_trigger) GScript command: followspline globalaccum 0 spln67 200 wait length 224
300 : (train1_trigger) GScript command: followspline globalaccum 0 spln67 200 wait length 224
300 : (train1) GScript command: followspline globalaccum 1 spln67 200 wait length 224
300 : (train1_back) GScript command: followspline globalaccum 1 spln67 200 wait length -224
400 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: accum 2 set 0
400 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: wm_announce "(trigger self enabled)"
400 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: printaccum 1
(G_Script) at_gun_trigger: Accum[1] = 0
400 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: printaccum 2
(G_Script) at_gun_trigger: Accum[2] = 0
400 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: printaccum 3
(G_Script) at_gun_trigger: Accum[3] = 1
400 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: printaccum 4
(G_Script) at_gun_trigger: Accum[4] = 0
400 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: trigger self online
400 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript event: trigger online
400 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: wait 100
400 : (start_up_pad) GScript command: setstate start_up_pad default
entity 273 already in desired state [0]
400 : (cov_up_pad) GScript command: setstate cov_up_pad invisible
400 : (med_up_pad) GScript command: setstate med_up_pad invisible
400 : (fop_up_pad) GScript command: setstate fop_up_pad invisible
400 : (sol_up_pad) GScript command: setstate sol_up_pad invisible
400 : (eng_up_pad) GScript command: setstate eng_up_pad invisible
400 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
400 : (train1_disabler) GScript command: trigger train1 train_disable
400 : (train1) GScript event: trigger train_disable
400 : (train1) GScript command: accum 1 set 1
400 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 trigger_if_equal 0 train1 sound_idle
400 : (train1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
400 : (train1) GScript command: stopsound 
400 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
500 : (allied_compost_built) GScript command: trigger allied_compost_built setup
500 : (allied_compost_built) GScript event: trigger setup
500 : (allied_compost_built) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 1 soldier 1
500 : (allied_compost_built) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 1 lieutenant 1
500 : (allied_compost_built) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 1 medic 1
500 : (allied_compost_built) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 1 engineer 1
500 : (allied_compost_built) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 1 covertops 1
500 : (allied_compost_built) GScript command: sethqstatus 1 0
500 : (allied_compost_built) GScript command: constructible_class 2
500 : (axis_compost_built) GScript command: trigger axis_compost_built setup
500 : (axis_compost_built) GScript event: trigger setup
500 : (axis_compost_built) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 0 soldier 1
500 : (axis_compost_built) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 0 lieutenant 1
500 : (axis_compost_built) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 0 medic 1
500 : (axis_compost_built) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 0 engineer 1
500 : (axis_compost_built) GScript command: setchargetimefactor 0 covertops 1
500 : (axis_compost_built) GScript command: sethqstatus 0 0
500 : (axis_compost_built) GScript command: constructible_class 2
500 : (axis_compost_built_model) GScript command: setstate axis_compost_built_model invisible
500 : (allied_compost_built_model) GScript command: setstate allied_compost_built_model invisible
500 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
500 : (train1_disabler) GScript command: trigger train1 train_disable
500 : (train1) GScript event: trigger train_disable
500 : (train1) GScript command: accum 1 set 1
500 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 trigger_if_equal 0 train1 sound_idle
500 : (train1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
500 : (train1) GScript command: stopsound 
500 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
600 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: wm_announce "(trigger self online)"
600 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: wm_announce "^3Manual Fire Online!!!"
600 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: setstate gun_cntrl_fire default
entity 434 already in desired state [0]
600 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: setstate gun_cntrl_misfire invisible
entity 435 already in desired state [1]
600 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: setstate gun_cntrl_reloading invisible
entity 436 already in desired state [1]
600 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: setstate manfire_on default
600 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: setstate manfire_off invisible
600 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: setstate at_gun_trigger default
entity 250 already in desired state [0]
600 : (at_gun_trigger) GScript command: togglespeaker at_switch_on
600 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
600 : (train1_disabler) GScript command: trigger train1 train_disable
600 : (train1) GScript event: trigger train_disable
600 : (train1) GScript command: accum 1 set 1
600 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 trigger_if_equal 0 train1 sound_idle
600 : (train1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
600 : (train1) GScript command: stopsound 
600 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
Userinfo: \g_password
ame\^5Subsurface ^1Scattering\cl_wwwDownload\1\protocol\84\qport\55227\challenge\0\ip\localhost
ClientUserinfoChanged: 0 :: n\^5Subsurface ^1Scattering	\3\c\0\r\0\m\0000000\s\0000000\dn\\dr\0\w\0\lw\0\sw\0\mu\0\ref\1
^5PunkBuster Client: Connected to Server loopback
750 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
750 : (train1_disabler) GScript command: trigger train1 train_disable
750 : (train1) GScript event: trigger train_disable
750 : (train1) GScript command: accum 1 set 1
750 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 trigger_if_equal 0 train1 sound_idle
750 : (train1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
750 : (train1) GScript command: stopsound 
750 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
800 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
800 : (train1_disabler) GScript command: trigger train1 train_disable
800 : (train1) GScript event: trigger train_disable
800 : (train1) GScript command: accum 1 set 1
800 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 trigger_if_equal 0 train1 sound_idle
800 : (train1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
800 : (train1) GScript command: stopsound 
800 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
850 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
850 : (train1_disabler) GScript command: trigger train1 train_disable
850 : (train1) GScript event: trigger train_disable
850 : (train1) GScript command: accum 1 set 1
850 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 trigger_if_equal 0 train1 sound_idle
850 : (train1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
850 : (train1) GScript command: stopsound 
850 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
900 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
900 : (train1_disabler) GScript command: trigger train1 train_disable
900 : (train1) GScript event: trigger train_disable
900 : (train1) GScript command: accum 1 set 1
900 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 trigger_if_equal 0 train1 sound_idle
900 : (train1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
900 : (train1) GScript command: stopsound 
900 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
950 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
950 : (train1_disabler) GScript command: trigger train1 train_disable
950 : (train1) GScript event: trigger train_disable
950 : (train1) GScript command: accum 1 set 1
950 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 trigger_if_equal 0 train1 sound_idle
950 : (train1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
950 : (train1) GScript command: stopsound 
950 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
1000 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
1000 : (train1_disabler) GScript command: trigger train1 train_disable
1000 : (train1) GScript event: trigger train_disable
1000 : (train1) GScript command: accum 1 set 1
1000 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 trigger_if_equal 0 train1 sound_idle
1000 : (train1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
1000 : (train1) GScript command: stopsound 
1000 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
1050 : (tank_corona) GScript command: attachtotag tank_panzer tag_light
1050 : (tank_corona) GScript command: setstate tank_corona default
entity 324 already in desired state [0]
1050 : (tank_panzer_flash) GScript command: attachtotag tank_panzer tag_barrel_cntr
1050 : (tank_panzer_flash) GScript command: setstate tank_panzer_flash default
entity 325 already in desired state [0]
1050 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
1050 : (train1_disabler) GScript command: trigger train1 train_disable
1050 : (train1) GScript event: trigger train_disable
1050 : (train1) GScript command: accum 1 set 1
1050 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 trigger_if_equal 0 train1 sound_idle
1050 : (train1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
1050 : (train1) GScript command: stopsound 
1050 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
1100 : (tank1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
1100 : (tank1_disabler) GScript command: trigger tank1 timer
1100 : (tank1) GScript event: trigger timer
1100 : (tank1) GScript command: accum 3 inc 1
1100 : (tank1) GScript command: accum 3 abort_if_less_than 4
1100 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
1100 : (train1_disabler) GScript command: trigger train1 train_disable
1100 : (train1) GScript event: trigger train_disable
1100 : (train1) GScript command: accum 1 set 1
1100 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 trigger_if_equal 0 train1 sound_idle
1100 : (train1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
1100 : (train1) GScript command: stopsound 
1100 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
1100 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
1150 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
1150 : (train1_disabler) GScript command: trigger train1 train_disable
1150 : (train1) GScript event: trigger train_disable
1150 : (train1) GScript command: accum 1 set 1
1150 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 trigger_if_equal 0 train1 sound_idle
1150 : (train1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
1150 : (train1) GScript command: stopsound 
1150 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
1200 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
1200 : (train1_disabler) GScript command: trigger train1 train_disable
1200 : (train1) GScript event: trigger train_disable
1200 : (train1) GScript command: accum 1 set 1
1200 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 trigger_if_equal 0 train1 sound_idle
1200 : (train1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
1200 : (train1) GScript command: stopsound 
1200 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
1250 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
1250 : (train1_disabler) GScript command: trigger train1 train_disable
1250 : (train1) GScript event: trigger train_disable
1250 : (train1) GScript command: accum 1 set 1
1250 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 trigger_if_equal 0 train1 sound_idle
1250 : (train1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
1250 : (train1) GScript command: stopsound 
1250 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
1300 : (train1_disabler) GScript event: trigger run
1300 : (train1_disabler) GScript command: trigger train1 train_disable
1300 : (train1) GScript event: trigger train_disable
1300 : (train1) GScript command: accum 1 set 1
1300 : (train1) GScript command: accum 4 trigger_if_equal 0 train1 sound_idle
1300 : (train1) GScript event: trigger sound_idle
1300 : (train1) GScript command: stopsound 
1300 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
RE_Shutdown( 0 )
----- R_Init -----

GL_VENDOR: ATI Technologies Inc.
GL_VERSION: 2.1.7659 Release
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shadow_ambient GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap GL_ATI_fragment_shader GL_ATI_meminfo GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texgen_reflection GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control 

PIXELFORMAT: color(32-bits) Z(24-bit) stencil(8-bits)
MODE: 4, 800 x 600 fullscreen hz:75
GAMMA: hardware w/ 0 overbright bits
CPU: AMD w/ 3DNow!
rendering primitives: single glDrawElements
picmip: 0
texture bits: 0
multitexture: enabled
compiled vertex arrays: enabled
texenv add: enabled
compressed textures: enabled
anisotropy: 1.0
NV distance fog: disabled
Initializing Shaders
----- finished R_Init -----
Parsing menu file: ui/
^3WARNING: could not find sound/misc/menu2.wav - using default
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
Parsing menu file: ui/
UI menu load time = 1443 milli seconds
LOADING... collision map
LOADING... sounds
voice chat memory size = 0

Initializing Sound Scripts
...loading 'sound/scripts/vo_allies.sounds'
...loading 'sound/scripts/vo_axis.sounds'
...loading 'sound/scripts/praetoria_two.sounds'
^3WARNING: could not find sound/pickup/treasure/gold.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/items/n_health.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/items/hot_pickup.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/items/cold_pickup.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/items/n_health.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/weapons/mortar/mortarf1.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/movers/doors/door5_endo.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/movers/doors/door5_loopo.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/movers/doors/door5_loopc.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/movers/doors/door5_openq.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/movers/doors/door5_endoq.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/movers/doors/door5_closeq.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/movers/doors/door5_endcq.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/movers/doors/door4_endo.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/movers/doors/door4_loopo.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/movers/doors/door4_loopc.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/movers/doors/door4_endoq.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/movers/motors/motor_loop_start.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/movers/motors/motor_loop_end.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/world/build_abort.wav - using default
^3WARNING: could not find sound/menu/focus.wav - using default
LOADING... graphics
LOADING... maps/praetoria_two.bsp
stitched 0 LoD cracks
...loaded 16887 faces, 738 meshes, 182 trisurfs, 0 flares 0 foliage
^3WARNING: light grid mismatch
LOADING... entities
LOADING... game media
LOADING...  - textures
LOADING...  - models
LOADING...  - weapons
LOADING...  - items
LOADING...  - inline models
LOADING...  - server models
LOADING...  - particles
LOADING...  - classes
LOADING...  - game media done
LOADING... flamechunks
LOADING... clients
[skipnotify]^2*** You have been authorized "referee" status ***
Type: ^3ref^7 (by itself) for a list of referee commands.
CL_InitCGame: 20.21 seconds
Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec
Userinfo: \cg_etVersion\Enemy Territory, ET 2.60\cg_uinfo\13 0 30\g_password
ame\^5Subsurface ^1Scattering\cl_wwwDownload\1\ip\localhost
Userinfo: \cg_etVersion\Enemy Territory, ET 2.60\cg_uinfo\13 0 30\g_password
ame\^5Subsurface ^1Scattering\cl_wwwDownload\1\ip\localhost
ClientUserinfoChanged: 0 :: n\^5Subsurface ^1Scattering	\3\c\0\r\0\m\0000000\s\0000000\dn\\dr\0\w\3\lw\3\sw\0\mu\0\ref\1

(ailmanki) #2

the log looks like the map does run a while?
actually I cannot find any crash info in the log…

If you like, I can try myself and check for errors… well I love hunting bugs… lol (but you would need to send me a bsp + script).
Yet I am not a mapper, maybe some mappers see there something I do not see.

(Cambodunum) #3

im not very good in “log-reading” … but it seems your game is crashing without any information left … maybe its not possible for it to leave an entry in ya log (before crashing) … maybe theres a better “log-interpret” than me … good luck

greetz Cam

(oops … ailmanki was faster hehe)

(Wezelkrozum) #4

Do you see how much the map must do in the script at the first millisecond (0)? I think it’s way to much for your computer to do in that small time. Try to load the map without script. If that works you better add some wait commands in the spawns in your script. Like 10 spawns in the first 0 millisecond, 10 spawns in the next 20 millisecond and 10 spawns in the next 20 milliseconds. And so on…

(merlin1991) #5

i don’t think that is the problem, the game reaches frame 1300

1300 : (train1) GScript command: playsound sound/vehicles/tug/tug_idle.wav looping
RE_Shutdown( 0 )

(molotov) #6

I know it is off topic, but:

]\map praetoria_two

(Diego) #7

I got it working again. Looks like the same crane was giving me the problem. All I did was remove it from the map and then re-import it and it stopped crashing.

(Wezelkrozum) #8


Nice to hear something of Praetoria 2 :tongue:

(-SSF-Sage) #9

Btw. Any news from the issue with the command map in pr1? I didn’t notice anything wrong, except It spams me every frame like “Can’t find a command map layer for Z” or such in the console. Which is annoying, cos it makes it impossible to read the console. I can try to dig some info from it, unless you know the error or have fixed it already. I’ve been too lazy to have a look at it so far.

(Pande) #10

try copy pasteing your map into a new map. it may be corrupt.

(Diego) #11

I haven’t seen that error yet. Do you get the error all the time? or only when changing floors in the bunker?

There are a few other minor tweaks that I want to fix in Praetoria One. But that won’t happen for a while. I’m still planning on a third map so I’d like to eventually release all three in one .pk3 file since they share so many custom textures and sounds.

(-SSF-Sage) #12

[QUOTE=Diego;184056]I haven’t seen that error yet. Do you get the error all the time? or only when changing floors in the bunker?

There are a few other minor tweaks that I want to fix in Praetoria One. But that won’t happen for a while. I’m still planning on a third map so I’d like to eventually release all three in one .pk3 file since they share so many custom textures and sounds.[/QUOTE]

Ok, so I’ll just wait till the fall 2012 till I seek up what’s wrong with it. It seems to happen almost all the time. Good luck with praetoria 2&3. Btw how much is done from 2? :smiley:

(Diego) #13

The first half with the Anti Tank Gun and the Tank Upgrade system seems to be working just fine. The back half is actually much larger and I’ve been constantly refining the design as I go along. I’m probably 90% happy with it, but since it hasn’t been subjected to any gameplay testing yet, the layout might change. Most of the buildings are quite large with 3 or 4 floors and quite a lot of interiors that are accessible.

Right now, I’m just trying to get the rail path finalized with a working tug and cranes. Just finished some tweaking on it and now the damn thing crashes ET again. I had a nice full compile this morning though. So if I have to, I’ll roll back the changes and try again. Next time I build a map, I won’t put so much stuff at a 45 degree angle. That can really play havoc with the brushes.

Once I get the tug and cranes working properly, we will start testing the back half while I steal the truck from Goldrush for the final objective.

Oh Crap. I just realized that all of my snapshots are empty. WTF is up with that? I really got to get this one working then.