Recent Forum Upgrade

(Locki) #1

Welcome to our newly upgraded Forums! Thanks especially go to Rudie for spending most of his weekend migrating everything across.

As you can probably tell, there’s still a large number of little icons and widgets that we need to produce art for, but in the main the upgrade is complete and everything’s working correctly.

However, if you do experience any problems while using our new forums, please mail us at



(kat) #2

just wanted to say ‘cheers’ and many thnx for the upgrade…! :drink:

(demoneye) #3

Like the new forums - great new functions - congrats :clap:


(demonspawn) #4

lookin good you guys. :drink:

(Salteh) #5

nice forum! =)

btw paul! it’s xmas, you should not be working right now :slight_smile:

get back into IRC chan! :bump: