Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Five Years Old Today

(Bongoboy) #1

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[drupal=220]Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Five Years Old Today[/drupal]

It doesn’t seem possible but Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, our first actual factual released game is five of your Earth-Years old. Today. Soon it’ll be old enough to drink. And vote. And play with other games.
An enormous thank you to everyone who worked on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, and played it and are stiiiiillllll playing it and made it so popular and thus helped Splash Damage become the Pulsating Temple of Possibilities that it now is.

(Domipheus) #2

Yooouuuuu Rock!

(TinMan) #3

It was an important step towards world domination.

(-IronMonkey-) #4

part of my life =)

(M8DNanite) #5

Happy birthday! This game gave me years of fun and even some new friendsi rl!

(Joe999) #6

awesome! happy b-day!!! :smiley:

(sQynor) #7

5 years old, and it’s still played so much, Everyone knows by now that Enemy Territory is one of a kind.

But we’re not going to stop here are we :stuck_out_tongue: let’s make ET live for over Thousands of years =p

(stealth6) #8

hehe 5 years, finally I know how old it is, sometimes people are like I’ve been playing this game for 8 years oO

But hopefully many more years to come!

(Salteh) #9

:stroggtapir: :stroggtapir: :stroggtapir:
:oppressor: ;o ;o ;o ;o ;o ;o :oppressor:

(Nail) #10

Best Game Evah !!!

(bo`) #11

Awesome game, would love to see more support from you for it again. It’s still more played than Call of Duty 1/2, Day of Defeat (Source), BF2142 and even Call of Duty 4 at the moment!


Love you my dearest ET ;D Happy Birthday!

(smOke.cz) #12

We players and community love that game so much! Thats why after 5 long years its still active and kicking! http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=news&mode=item&id=2972 and as bo said it would be very nice to see at least little attention from you guyz. Because W:ET is best multiplayer FPS and none of new games are even closer to this great atmosphere, spectators ETTV mod and unique gameplay!


btw you can see great W:ET cup starting atm with 1000 E prizemoney and best teams from europe - ESL Major Series 2 http://www.esl.eu/eu/et/ems/season2/groupstage/

(Dlug!) #13

Agree with guys above. Im wondering why u stopped support this great game and released this crap et:qw, but well its your decision and everyone makes mistakes. Its a good time to start supporting this game once again or maybe selling it to American army and made it like AA?

(Saadi) #14

Without ET great Mods like TCE have never became truth!
ET works on many PCs although bad graphic cards but the fun-factor is verry biig!
Congratulations, ET!

MAC pc ^^

(Sauron|EFG) #15

Happy birthday ET!

May 29 2003 was a holiday (thanks to Jesus :stuck_out_tongue: ), so I downloaded it after breakfast and have been playing it ever since. I still miss the nade physics from the public beta though! :wink:

(leifhv) #16


Best game ever! Really!

(kamikazee) #17

Happy birthday!

I was just baking cake, actually.

(lejluska) #18

This is my best game, i love you darling my dear enemy, i am with you 4,5 years: Happy birthday Lejla from Czech Republic

(evilzombie) #19

Much Love from Evil Clan & http://evilterritory.com/league/

(Nail) #20

what’s to support, play 2.60b with ETPro 3.26 and tell me what’s wrong, it’s still one of the top 5 games online after 5 years

btw, we run a stock 6 map ETPro server, no extras and it’s well populated

this IS the ultimate MP game