.bat compile problem

(pigg221462) #1

When i try to compile with my .bat file the et console comes up and tells me “couldn’t load defualt.cfg - i am missing essential files - verify your installation.” no clue whats going on this is my .bat file

@echo off
@set Q3MAP_PATH=“C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\maps\q3map2.exe”
@set et_PATH=“C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory”
@set COMP_PATH=“C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\et.exe”
@set MAP_PATH=“C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\maps\sock_pom-src.map”

@set GEN_OPTIONS=-fs_basepath %et_PATH%

%COMP_PATH% -vis -saveprt %GEN_OPTIONS% %MAP_PATH%
%COMP_PATH% -light -fast -samples 2 -pointscale 1.4 -patchshadows %GEN_OPTIONS% %MAP_PATH%

rem ASE stuff
rem %COMP_PATH% -meta -patchmeta %GEN_OPTIONS% %MAP_PATH%
rem %COMP_PATH% -convert ase %GEN_OPTIONS% %MAP_PATH%

(kamikazee) #2

First: lines starting with “@” are not printed to the console, only their output is. However, if you have set echo to “off” (first line of your batch file), @ rules are no longer necessary for the rest of the batch file.

Let’s move to the interesting part: you have a batchfile to compile, right. For some reason, you included the path to W:ET, and for an even weirder reason used that path to supposedly compile your maps.

Next, you never specify the map needs to be compiled for W:ET, therefore I added “-game et” to GEN_OPTIONS.

Now notice how I changed COMP_PATH to Q3MAP_PATH in the following code listing. This is what the file should actually look like:

@echo off
set Q3MAP_PATH="C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\maps\q3map2.exe"
set et_PATH="C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory"
set COMP_PATH="C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\et.exe"
set MAP_PATH="C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\maps\sock_pom-src.map"

set GEN_OPTIONS=-fs_basepath %et_PATH% -game et

%Q3MAP_PATH% -vis -saveprt %GEN_OPTIONS% %MAP_PATH%
%Q3MAP_PATH% -light -fast -samples 2 -pointscale 1.4 -patchshadows %GEN_OPTIONS% %MAP_PATH%

rem ASE stuff
rem %Q3MAP_PATH% -meta -patchmeta %GEN_OPTIONS% %MAP_PATH%
rem %Q3MAP_PATH% -convert ase %GEN_OPTIONS% %MAP_PATH%

(pigg221462) #3

wow. thanks a bunch that was very helpful and worked like a charm

(]UBC[ McNite) #4

If you want to avoid ANY problems with .bats whatsoever, get yourself a compile-frontend. I recommend Q3map2build by bobdev (search for it on the forum, there are lots of posts). Its simply perfect.

(kamikazee) #5

Technically, Q3Map2Build just generates a compile .bat file for you by just clicking a few buttons. You only need to configure it once, thereafter it should work.

(]UBC[ McNite) #6

That s right. But why go by foot if you can drive a ferrari?

I loved that i was able to change compile settings in seconds, or just have a quick compile without LIGHT stage, etc etc… total variation for fast work. It even reads which compile settings are available, depending on which q3map2 version you are running.

(MrLego) #7

A little off topic here…

I see you are using Sock’s Quake 3 Pyramid of the Magician map source for your compile.

If you want to publically release it you may want his permission first.

Is there anything new added or is it strictly a test map?