Making mines

(DeatH) #1

I used to be able to make mines using the common/nodraw texture so that when a player touches it they explode/die instantly but i can’t remember how.

Any help ?

(S14Y3R) #2

Sounds like a trigger_hurt with high dmg, = instakill

(DeatH) #3

Ill try that.

(]UBC[ McNite) #4

Use an explosion sound too :smiley:

(Flippy) #5

Wasn’t there a thread about mines like this a (very long) time ago?

It involved using a shooter_mortar or maybe a shooter_panzer just above the ground, which would then shoot when you walked into the trigger… Gives a much more realistic effect in terms of people close by getting hurt aswell or maybe even surviving the blast if you’re quick enough… (if that is ‘allowed’… ofcourse not of you use it as a map boundary).
It gets too complicated if you need your ‘mines’ to cover large areas of your terrain but for small areas it’s quite doable I think…

(mrfin) #6


I made something similar - think i used a trigger_multiple connected to
a target_speaker which broadcast an explosion. Right next to the trigger_multiple brush, overlapping by about 2 grid units, i put a trigger_hurt brush with damage of 100. Worked v nicely - thing is that players will learn where individual mines are placed - mine was basically a wall to stop players wandering into areas at the edge of the map. I did kindly put up warning signs of mines

(DC9) #7

… and it worked very well mrfin.

(]UBC[ McNite) #8

You could also set a wait parameter, so the mine is active only every XX seconds. If a player runs over it before its set back to active, it doesnt trigger. Should stop ppl from figuring out where the mines are.

(mrfin) #9

lol @ dc9 - watch where you stray my friend - nice idea Mc Nite