Will this run it?

([ToC]Death) #1

How well will I be able to run Quake Wars on the lowest settings, lowest resolution, no AA and no AF?

AMD Athlon 64 X2 3600+ 1.9GHz
2GB PC5400C4 RAM
eVGA 7600GT

This is the system I plan on getting temporarily (I want it to run older games, such as Call of Duty, Battlefield 1942, etc), but I also want it to get atleast 30FPS in newer games. Do you think it will be able to?

(Nail) #2


([ToC]Death) #3

Is there any chance that I will also be able to put the settings a little higher? How far do you think I’ll go before I reach 20 - 30 FPS (which I am used to as being high on my old PC)?

([ToC]Death) #4

What kind of settings/fps will I be getting in most games like ET:QW?

(ThinkFear) #5

It is hard to say how the game will perform exactly. The only version available to the public is the beta - which is obviously far from optimized.

I believe that system will run the game: Exactly how well is unknown.

([ToC]Death) #6

Would an upgrade to the 4200+ CPU be better? Or is it not the CPU that MIGHT hold me back?

EDIT: Actually, will the E4300 be a lot better when overclocked? Will that be able to run the game properly? Or is my GFX and RAM too crappy…

(Nail) #7

I think you’ll be fine with what you have, if you can afford the CPU upgrade go for it

(Donpedro) #8

i have:
Intel P4 3,0 GHZ
And Radeon 9800 Pro
At Sewer i have 30-40 stable FPS (with low detail)

(murka) #9

tested how would my slightly underspec gfx card run it, put everything in max(except AA becuse it generates an error) and got avarage of 20 fps, tho in the start it would load about 20secs with 3 fps. when the games out i guess i can run everything max and still playable :slight_smile: tho by then i will have a new gfx card.

([ToC]Death) #10

Alright, so I think I have my whole build sorted out. One thing that I think I will change though, is either the CPU to a 4200+, OR the GPU to a 7900GS. Which one would be more noticeable? Also, why did they say the requirements were going to be more like Quake 4, but they are way higher?

(DravinClaw) #11

im running
AMD Athlon XP 2600+
1.91ghz,512mb of ram
ATI 9600 radion
40gb hdd
and run on normal settings havent tested my fps yet but the only lag I get is from the server or when someone with a 150+ping jumps in. the one problem I have noticed is when I rank up at the end of a round I get the cha ching and the white sceen of death and kicked from server but I can rejoin it no problem any suggestions(besides getting the obvious…a new comp or vid card…lol)

(Nail) #12

nah, you’re running way under spec as it is

(obsidian) #13

P4 3.0 GHz
nVidia 6800 Ultra 256MB

High quality settings
30+ frames

Dips a little under 30 frames at 1920x1200.

Amazing thing is that the game is still quite playable even with a relatively high ping (100+) and 30 frames.

([ToC]Death) #14

The major thing I noticed is that people with 2GB RAM and any card or CPU like yours Obsidian, can run the game very well. So my assumption is, and I hope SD goes with this too, that the requirements should be like 2.8GHz recommended, 1.5GB RAM recommended, and any card better or equal to a 6800GT.

(RoXxOrS) #15

yes agreed…I currently have a 6200 and will be upgrading to a cracking 8600 soon for only £113
but the later 6000 seris wit ha 3.0 GHz processor should be able to run it as it will be harder to run than Q4 but not too much and a 6200 runs Q4 fine on low

(murka) #16

i have P4 3.2 seems to run well, its the minimum right now… my 1GB RAM can still handle it, when i open QW i still have 450MB free. my gfx card is below minimum because it has pixel/vertex shader ver 2.0, x800 has 3.0. tho im only missing some cool features i can still play on low/med with reasonable fps(almost high=30fps with some megatexture loading in start)

([ToC]Death) #17

Ok, so I did some researching on google, and apparently for gaming, the 3600+ is rated at 5.4 GHz. The website srtest.com takes the clock speed or the AMD rating of your CPU, and multiplies it by 1.5 IF it is a dual core or an HT. So, yeah, my CPU for gaming is more like a 5.4 GHz :smiley: .

(jaybird) #18

5.4 ghz what? Speed isn’t an accurate comparison figure between different lines of chips.

([ToC]Death) #19

Well, since Intel has the highest clock speed of any other CPU, then it’s probably comparing it to a Pentium 4 with no HT?