what is this never had it before

(=ds=bart) #1

************ ERROR ************
LoadTGA: Only type 2 (RGB), 3 (gray), and 10 (RGB) TGA images supported

is it because the texture has a alpa channel.

i use paintshop pro its a damn nice programe lol :banana: :banana:

(Ragnar_40k) #2

I had never problems with the default settings from PSP.

You need to save the texture either as type 2,3 or 10 TGA-file. When you open the “Save” resp. “Save as” dialog you can push the “Options” button at the lower right (after you selected the image format) and enter additional options for saving.

(=ds=bart) #3

yep fixd it .
it was because i was changing the jpg type texture to tga .
just bye renaming it .

i was trying to make a blending tut to cause im very interested in texture blending.
im using the alpa _0
its without the alpha dot2 product

is this the right way
its just a bsp meta compile cause its not alpha dot2
bud i dont see any diffents between alpa_0 and those other alpa …

(Twisted0n3) #4

Adding an alpha channel is more complex than just renaming it to .tga or even converting it to .tga. In many paint programs, if you create a mask and save a tga, the mask is saved as a fourth channel in the file, which will then be a 32-bit tga Quake will treat as having an alpha channel. Upshot? Clone the image, desaturate it (make it greyscale), use the level equalizer to narrow the luminance range close to half (128 if the units are 0-256), save it as some new name, and then load it as a mask onto the original image and save that as a .tga.

(obsidian) #5

The different alpha shaders are used to control the level of opacity of the blending texture. Alpha 0 does 0% opacity, alpha 75 does 75% opacity.

Excellent terrain and blending tutorial already written by none other than Sock:


(=ds=bart) #6

entering scripts/shaderlist.txt
entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (2)
entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (3)
entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (4)

why those this happen i only have one shader list

(kamikazee) #7

I guess some smart guys included in their pk3’s.

Please use a clean install of W:ET if you want to map without trouble.