q3map2 - q3map

(poub) #1

Hello, i hope i can get a solution to my problem here.

The situation is like this:

I have a room, this room has 1. many plant models with partly transparent leaves and 2. a waterfall texture. Now i compile it with q3map from radiant 202, fullvis -light -extra. it turns out exactly as i want it, all textures draw correctly and lighting is cool.

Now i wanted to make the whole compile faster (the whole map is huge) and use q3map2. it was awesome, the compile went extremely fast. but when i loaded up the map i noticed some really disturbing bugs. 1. the plant model textures were drawn as they were, the black parts around the leaves were drawn instead of being transparent and 2. the waterfall texture was completely dark and looked like tar now instead of grayish bright green.

this is totally messed up, my compile takes forever when i use q3map but with q3map2 there are these unacceptable bugs. i read on q3w LE forum that this has to do with shader lighting or even bad shaders but then explain me why q3map draws them perfectly?!?!? i will not rework the shaders since i 1. have no idea of it and 2. dont have time to learn all the stuff properly or just do the trial and error thing. why isnt there an accurate simulation of fullvis -light -extra that does exactly the q3map thing but with the speed of q3map2? if there is such, please let me know.

thx in advance

(ydnar) #2

The models are likely generated with the Pop’N’Fresh plugin. It outputs models with incorrect shader paths, normals, and other broken data.

The shader file that corresponds to those models also likely has incorrect shaders, using “” path delimiters instead of the correct “/” delimiters.

The solution is two-fold: change the shader file and download & run MD3Fix on the models.

As for the waterfall, is it a model? Could you post the waterfall shader here?


(poub) #3

well i kinda solved the problem, reducing compile time in q3map to about 2.5 hours which is 2 hours in q3map2 so i will stick with that :slight_smile:

i basically caulked everything properly etc “proper mapping” it is called i guess :wink: the waterfall was just a texture, i think it was really the lighting of the waterfall shader, either not existing or too weak. however i wont change much now but thx for the explanation.