ET:QW probably comes on NextGen as well

(Joe999) #1

american magazine game informer says that SD indicated a possible conversion. nothing concrete though.

sorry, text is german only:

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars für Next Generation möglich

16.01.06 - Der Shooter Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Click Picture von Activision könnte auch auf Next Generation Konsolen erscheinen. Das geht aus der amerikanischen Game Informer hervor, indem Entwickler Splash Damage Umsetzungen andeutete.

So konzentriert sich das Team derzeit auf die PC-Version. Doch man denkt bei der Fertigstellung bereits an Next Generation Konsolen, für die Umsetzungen sehr wahrscheinlich sind.

i’m not a fan of ego shooters on consoles, but maybe this news is interesting for others. who cares about nextgen. anyone got the game informer article? :smiley:

(Bongoboy) #2

“Ego Shooters”?

I liiiiiike.
Goodbye “Multiplayer First Person”, Hello “Group Therapy Ego Shooting”!


(kamikazee) #3

So an MP only game going to a console? Sounds weird to me…

As long as those guys have no auto-aim, I’d like to see one join a PC-version server. :smiley: (If that would be possible, of course.)

(ParanoiD) #4

DON’T make an xbox360, xbox, nintendo cube, PS2, PS3 or whatever console conversion, don’t! I want something that is only for the PC so we have something nice to pwn back all consoles. The consoles are taking over the world of gaming… They are cheap, no virusses, start faster… But for me the PC is always the best… I really hope it’s PC only. If they make a version for one of teh consoles, then please make it multiplayer for both games on the same servers, so PC vs Xbox players and i am sure the PC players will win :stuck_out_tongue:

(Bongoboy) #5

I recall they ported Quake III Arena for the Sega Dreamcast, protecting the players with walled-garden Dreamcast-only servers. But somehow, some PC QIIIA players found a way to scale the wall. And got into the Dreamcast servers. And ran amock, like low-ping foxes in an enormous high-ping chicken shed.

*pauses to salute the one console that DID let you use a mouse and keyboard


(Joe999) #6

the Sega Dreamcast pwnz every console considering gameplay. only console that could come up with it would be the sega saturn.

btw: the Sega Dreamcast is having a revival comeback soon, i think in april/may. i have absolutely no idea why, but they start selling them again :slight_smile:

(Bongoboy) #7

*I knew that DC VMU with my Level 2 Phantasy Star Online 1 character would come in handy one day

(carnage) #8

*pauses to salute the one console that DID let you use a mouse and keyboard


i wonder why consoles refuse to use far better interface devices esecialy for games like this fps. i used to love q3 on ps2 untill i played it on pc… after reasising how crap the ps2 game was soley cos you just couldnt get the aiming behave

killzone… what a game but totoal destoryes the players emersion when u missing aiming with joysticks

(Floris) #9

Great idea and I might as well buy one since I have a saturn myself and I think it owns the Playstation and the Nintendo64 =]

(Salteh) #10

Afaik they are only selling/giving away the leftovers, or some refurbished 2nd-hand DCs :frowning:

Still have mine though! :slight_smile:

(Nissen2k) #11

A online game only for console? That wont sell…

(Loffy) #12

I’ve heard that the real money lies in consoles.

(zeh) #13

i wonder why consoles refuse to use far better interface devices esecialy for games like this fps

Because consoles are a ‘fun’ interface and something you play sitting on your couch/bed and watch it on your TV, not something you play on a table with your face glued to a monitor, all alone.

Playing FPSs on consoles is a really, really sad thing, imo. Even games that got it moderately right (halo, others) still make me wish I was using a mouse instead. It’s just hundreds of times faster and more accurate to aim.

Also, PS2 has a mouse and a keyboard… of course there isn’t much use for it as games aren’t designed around it.

(carnage) #14

i gess it would be hard to make a fps game that could be played with a joystick and a keybord since it would be 100 times easier with a keyboard…

the interface device dosnt need to be a keyboard per say… they doesnt seem to be much into changing and improving the console joypads to make them more usable particualry for games like fps

i always though having a sort of ball you rolled with a thumb would be interesting and give much more control then a joystick does as far as aiming goes

(Nail) #15

I tried trackball for gaming, not so good, hard to control look up, look down while running etc. Mind you, that’s compared to mouse, not joystick

(carnage) #16

i played with a trackball for a short time. it is hard but i had to use my fingres due to the position of the ball. if it were more lower and to the left on a joypad i think you could get you thumb on it and that would allows a little bit more acuracy and manoverability

(fattakin) #17

Well id have already said that RTCW2 is being designed from the ground up as next gen console & PC so there is always the possibility it will be ported to PS3 /360. I dont mind, if it makes a bit more ££ they id/SD will be haoppy and make anotehr game. We’ll all be playing it on our PC’s anyway.

Had to laugh at Bongo’s Q3 story i didnt know that happened teeheee poor pad gamorz

(ayatollah) #18

Can I just point out that Nintendo Revolution will be perfect for FPS games. Although I dont think QW will be ported to that…I think SD will keep QW PC only!

(meisterbrau) #19

i don’t like the idea of mouse and keyboard for consoles. as stated befor: console gaming requiers a couch. and its not very comftable to play with mouse and keybord lieing on a couch… indeed there are fps on console, that can be played with joypad. but as soon as the game gets quick and arcade style, the mouse would be necessery.

(Graf Stahl) #20


total ownage either on console or pc, for sure my friend… :slight_smile: