Feature request

(shadowspawn) #1

k, this is for only if it can be done.

take the surfaceparm, and add something new called
q3map_alphaclip that will use that surfaceparm.

i dunno how to even go around doing that, because its a contents thing, unless it was for mesh only, and even then contents for meshes is strange as hell for traces.

in this hack i had to make a unique surfaceparm on caulk to get an effect then build around a shader. it was only in 2 places, but i can see using allot of the stock shaders being used in this manner for things.

maybe i’m just selfish tho and just want something to speed up some things :confused:

hard to make a decision about nonsolid/clipping/full clipping on transparent detailed shaders sometimes.

(pazur) #2

i also would find that useful

(Emon) #3

Mind explaining that in English?

(shadowspawn) #4


put that on a mesh. add q3map_alphaclip.

the compiler creates “surface areas” based on the alpha channel that will work for collision detection.

basically instead of making weapclips with specific surfaceparms around a shader to stop projectiles, the compiler would do it for you.

it’s a mathematical nightmare tho. the only way i can see it working is based on some light trace code from alphashadow and a cloneshader hack that produces surfaces.

(onu) #5

What he wants, is a q3map shader keyword that, when added to a shader, would sort of create brushes based on the alpha channel of a texture. I’m guessing that any value above 128 in the alpha channel would produce a brush in that area and any value below 128 would not.

Look at it this way: Suppose you were using the base_trim/proto_fence. That’s one we should all know and love. His idea is that using this new shader keyword, the compiler would create clips (probably with a thickness of two units, one unit on either side of the brush face) that roughly matched what was depicted in the alpha channel. So in the case of base_trim/proto_fence, you would be able to shoot through, most of it, most of the time, but not walk through it.

Personally, I have reservations about the feasability of this feature. It seems to me that it would be tough to map a texture to specific game-world dimensions.

Yet, at the same time, if there’s anyone that could do it, it would be ydnar.

(Emon) #6

That would indeed be cool. I’ve always like how in games like NOLF you can sometimes shoot through fences and sometimes not.

(shadowspawn) #7

end effect of using stupid brush hacks :confused: