lightmap size

(3tehakanyuksel) #1

I have added
q3map_lightmapsamplesize 4
q3map_lightmapsize 256 256
lines to a shader. q3map succesfully created the shaders automatically with the exception that i had manually entered the “tcgen lightmap” line to them because q3map forgot them.

When i entered the game, lightmaps are rendered correctly on some surfaces but on some of the surfaces, there are black boxes and hard edges which makes me think that q3map might do some error when generating lightmap texture coordinates when

q3map_lightmapsamplesize 4
q3map_lightmapsize 256 256


I am using q3map_2.5.4

(shadowspawn) #2

try 2.5.3, doing externals in 2.5.4 crashes for me. 2.5.3 might name the external lightmap wrong (seen that on a couple maps). first tho make sure you are using the right shader structure.

map whatever/path/to/texture.tga
rgbgen identity
map $lightmap
blendfunc whatever (or gl_dst_color gl_zero)
tcgen lightmap

make sure that the q3map2_ shader didn’t get malformed or forget to add some of the stages; i’ve seen it do that also.