Listing your site for search engines

(Infernis) #1

I’ve done a bit of googling and I’ve found some sites claiming that your site is listed at several search engines after filling in the form.

Now, I’ve done so and I also listed it at google but I can’t say that I noticed any increase in traffic. This is all new to me, so could someone, more experienced perhaps give me some pointers on how to get the most possible hits from search engines?


(Kendle) #2

Make a good website, with lots of (often changing) content. Google is the No.1 and submitting to them makes no difference to where you’re listed. Meta tags make no difference to where you’re listed (unless you try using tag keywords not relevant to your site, then they’ll count against you and bump you DOWN the listing). Paying someone to “optimise” your site makes no difference to where you’re listed.

You can only reliably get your site up the rankings by cramming it full of good, relevant, constantly changing content.

(fretn) #3

putting one keyword in the title, url and several times in the body text helps too